Five quick questions for: YouTuber Leonie Julia

YouTuberin Leonie Julia - Gesunde Ernährung Tipps

Five quick questions for: YouTuber Leonie Julia

A balanced and active lifestyle as well as an awareness of healthy nutrition - that connects the I·DO Family . Leonie is a YouTuber and part of our community. In her videos she reports on her life and inspiring self-experiments such as the 5-day I·DO juice cleanse.

How do you start your morning?

The first thing I always do is wash my face and drink a glass of water because I'm always thirsty in the morning. After that, I usually take a quick look at my social media channels and (if I haven't already done so the night before) write down a to-do list for the day.

What's your feel-good routine?

I love going for a jog before breakfast! A shower and a delicious breakfast with fruit are just what you need afterwards.

what are you dreaming about

In fact, I've dreamed of being in a movie one day since I was five years old!

What sin do you indulge in now and then?

I like to eat chocolate or a piece of cake from time to time, but I don't "forbid" myself anything in that regard.

Which I·DO juice should you never be without in your fridge?

The Pineapple Passion with the light passion fruit flavor is my absolute favourite, and I think everyone should try it!

Leonie's juice cleanse experience

What experiences did Leonie have during her 5-day juice cleanse ? Watch her video report now and follow her YouTube channel for more inspiration.

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