Five quick questions for: Maria from Rawfood

Maria von Rawfood

Five quick questions for: Maria from More Rawfood

A balanced and active lifestyle as well as an awareness of healthy nutrition - that connects the I·DO Family. Maria from More Rawfood is part of our community and is committed to living your personal dreams as energetically, motivated, healthy, slim and full of joie de vivre as possible. For this reason Maria helps people to build a healthy and sustainable lifestyle. We talked about her very personal lifestyle and asked her a few questions.

How do you start your morning?

I wake up pretty much every morning next to my two children in our family bed and then cuddle we have another round.

What's your feel-good routine?

My feel-good routine is a warm one bath, all alone, with a nice audio book or relaxing music, a face mask and dry brushing. But I also just love it to jump and swim in a clear lake. That's what makes me so very balanced.

what are you dreaming about

From a house by the water, with its own garden, with which I can take care of myself and my family.

What sin do you indulge in now and then?

For me there really isn't Sins, because life is pure enjoyment. What I like to enjoy are raw Snickers or a ripe papaya. I love papayas.

Which I·DO juice should you never be without in your fridge?

Clearly the Soulful Beets . I have 2 juicers and I appreciate the power of fresh juice. However, neither of the two juicers makes such great and clear beetroot juice. Beetroot are real beauty bombs and must therefore not be missing from me.

If you would like to get to know Maria better, take a look at her YouTube channel and let yourself be inspired.

Maria's juice cleanse experience

Maria tested the 8-day juice cleanse for us and reports in detail on her experience with the juice fast.

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