Five quick questions for: athlete Corey Anton

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Five quick questions for: athlete Corey Anton

A balanced and active lifestyle as well as an awareness of healthy nutrition - that connects the I·DO Family. Footballer and model Corey Anton is part of our community and we asked him our questions from the short interview to get to know him a little better.

How do you start your morning?

I start my morning with yoga and 30 minutes of reading. After that, I'll have breakfast.

What's your feel-good routine?

My feel-good routine is a walk with my dog ​​in nature, preferably in the woods or in the fields.

what are you dreaming about

I dream of maximum freedom in all matters

What sin do you indulge in now and then?

I treat myself to a burger every now and then, but it's still fresh and of high quality.

Which I·DO juice should you never be without in your fridge?

My two absolute favorite juices are the Soulful Beets and the Pineapple Passion . I love them both so much, I really can't decide.

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