Healthy eating - but how? Podcast with Sinah from Kale and Cake

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Healthy eating - but how? Podcast with Sinah from Kale and Cake

We have a podcast recommendation for you: longtime I·DO friend and yoga teacher Sinah from Kale & Cake talks to Katharina Kaiser about healthy nutrition and all the topics that we are also passionate about. The focus of the podcast episode is how you can individually nourish yourself in the best possible way. Since everything at I·DO revolves around healthy and sustainable nutrition, we are big fans and can only warmly recommend this podcast to you.

In the episode "Healthy Eating - But How?" Host Sinah opens the conversation about the complex and also emotional topic of nutrition. What is challenging about the topic is that there are so many possibilities and there is no one right answer. Presenter Sinah goes deep into the topic and talks to nutritionist Katharina Kaiser. She is convinced that we can all feel better with the right diet. In her opinion, the image that is conveyed far too often is that healthy nutrition is complicated and expensive.

With the right knowledge, however, you can make better decisions relatively easily. This is exactly where this episode should help you and give you scientific background information.

The Kale and Cake podcast addresses questions like:

  • Little time and still eating healthy?

  • What should I watch out for when eating vegan/vegetarian?

  • Underrated Super Foods?

  • What about dairy products?

  • How healthy is soy?

Listen to the podcast and get inspired.

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