Fasting Guide

Everything you should know about taking a break for body and mind.

Millions of people around the world fast every year for religious or health reasons. Many fasting people use the traditional fasting period to temporarily give up everyday vices, unhealthy foods or things that are harmful to the environment. It can help not only to do something good for the body or the environment, but also to raise awareness in the sense of one's own mindfulness.

What are the benefits of fasting?

  • Our everyday life can sometimes be quite exhausting. Stress at work, appointments with family, household chores that need to be done. In all the hustle and bustle, many of us forget to give the body what it really needs. We know very well that an unbalanced and unhealthy lifestyle can have a negative impact on many areas of life. Juice fasting is just right for you if you are looking for a new inner balance.

  • Fasting has long been deeply rooted in many cultures around the world. If done correctly, it can have a positive effect on health and physical and mental balance. In Germany, the concept is mainly known under the term 'therapeutic fasting'.

  • What forms of fasting are there?

    In contrast to classic fasting, during juice fasting you do not completely avoid food, but instead supply the body with nutrients and secondary plant substances with the help of cold-pressed juices. juices
    also play a role in so-called carbohydrate-modified fasting - but especially on the relief day and the build-up day.

  • Fasting boosts metabolism

    If the body does not have to digest, important cell cleaning processes (autophagy) can run better. promotes fasting
    the disposal of waste materials by the body, so to speak. This process is also part of the immune system (xenophagy).

Information on traditional therapeutic fasting (also called Buchinger fasting), as well as a scientific classification, is available e.g. at the German Society for Nutrition.

  • "Fasting can be an impetus to change lifestyle and improve eating habits."

    German Society for Nutrition

  • "Healthy fasting at home is a great way to feel comfortable in your own body again and to gain new strength."

    Katya, I·DO fasting leader and nutrition coach

fasting facts

  • 1. Conventional medicine vs. naturopathy

    While conventional medicine uses therapeutic fasting primarily to treat obesity (overweight), Otto Buchinger – who was a doctor himself – popularized traditional therapeutic fasting. Naturopathy sees far more therapeutic sense in doing without.

  • 2. Therapeutic fasting has historical depth

    Already in the earliest historical records from antiquity there is talk of conscious renunciation. The traditional Christian fasting month, or Muslim Ramadan, is a result of these customs.

  • 3. Conscious renunciation can promote health

    In naturopathy, the abstinence period is primarily used for detoxification and purification of the body.
    The excretory organs are stimulated and the body thoroughly cleaned. The metabolism changes during the fasting days. The mind also changes during a fasting cure: if the overcoming is still great at the beginning, after a few days many people feel lightness, freedom, euphoria and inner peace.

  • 4. Fasting requires concentration

    If you want to feel good, you should prepare yourself properly. So there are all sorts of side effects that can occur. If you want to be on the safe side, you should consult a doctor beforehand.

  • 5. You can lose weight with fasting, but you don't have to!

    The body's fat reserves are only burned after a few days.
    But beware of the yo-yo effect. Fasting is the ideal way to start changing your diet. Only those who eat a healthy and balanced diet over the long term should expect something from it.

Collapsible content

A. Lose weight with fasting

Fasting can lead to a reduction in body weight . For many, however, this is not the actual goal of a fasting cure. Lent is a time to give your body a break and restart your metabolism. Weight loss is often a side effect of fasting.

But beware of the yo-yo effect. Fasting is the ideal way to start changing your diet. Only those who eat a healthy and balanced diet over the long term should expect something from it.

B. Buchinger fasting

Therapeutic fasting according to the Buchinger method is a holistic fasting concept and one of the most well-known methods. You eat only vegetable broth and diluted juices for five days or more. Instead of a zero diet, fasting consists of nutrient-rich liquid with a low calorie intake.

C. Christianity and Fasting

Christian Lent is a forty-day abstinence period from Ash Wednesday to Easter. Strict rules of abstinence used to apply in order to reconsider. Today, Christian fasting rules are less strict. Some people voluntarily decide not to eat sweets or alcohol.

D: Duration of fasting/optimal fasting duration

Basically, every fasting experience is divided into 3 phases: relief, fasting and build-up. The optimal fasting period should be adapted to personal needs. For example, a fasting period that is no less than six days and no more than 14 days is recommended. Longer fasting can only be recommended if you have sufficient experience and are already in good mental and physical condition. It is advisable to fast cyclically for shorter periods instead of fasting for very long periods, as this allows the body to slowly increase its basal metabolic rate again.

E: Relief day

The relief days herald the fasting and prepare you physically and mentally for the fasting period. The relief days are essential because they help to curb appetite and reduce the feeling of hunger. Fewer calories are made available and the body begins to go to the fat deposits. This makes it easier to start the fasting period and the metabolism can prepare itself in the best possible way for the days ahead.

Q: Fasting for beginners

Fasting is something that everyone should try once. In the beginning it can be a challenge, especially for beginners, but it's worth it. It is important to prepare well and to know the basic rules. Fasting beginners should not start with two weeks, seven days are quite sufficient. If you like, you can take a break for fasting twice a year. Fasting tip: Fasting together in a group motivates and promotes your stamina.

G: Healthy fasting

If you fast, you not only lose weight, you also do something good for your health . A fasting period is intended to cleanse the body and mind by interrupting food intake for a certain period of time and allowing the body's own repair processes to take place. After about 20 hours without eating, the sugar reserves in the liver are used up, fat stores are tapped and cell cleansing is boosted.

H: Hildegard von Bingen fasting method

Fasting according to Hildegard von Bingen is characterized by the fact that it is a very gentle form of fasting. The gentle method is intended to bring body and soul into harmony. The holistic fasting concept pursues physical cleansing through a detoxification cure and spiritual contemplation through inner concentration.

I: Intermittent fasting

Intermittent fasting, also known as intermittent fasting , describes less a specific form of fasting and more a specific eating rhythm. In comparison to fasting programs lasting several days, which are often carried out once a year for cleaning purposes, intermittent fasting is more of a regular form of fasting which, if desired, can be integrated into everyday life in the long term. This involves going without food for hours or days. A distinction is made in intermittent fasting based on the time windows in which food is eaten or not eaten.


The 16:8 method is probably the most common form of intermittent fasting and is often seen as the entry-level variant. The number 16 stands for the time window of 16 hours in which you don't eat any calories. The remaining 8 hours can then be eaten and drunk. With intermittent fasting 5:2, on the other hand, you do not eat 2 days a week, or you consume a maximum of 500 kcal, whereas the other 5 days are eaten normally.

J: Yo-yo effect when fasting

The yo-yo effect is an unwanted weight gain after a diet, where the end weight is often higher than the starting weight. It's the body's reaction to a poorly-done diet, especially if you relapse into old habits afterwards. A methodically correct fasting is not a crash diet. Rather, it is about establishing a long-term healthy lifestyle, which has the yo-yo effect. With a balanced diet and sufficient exercise, the yo-yo effect can be prevented during the build-up phase.

K: Fasting cure

A fasting cure is a consciously chosen period of fasting. You don't have to go to a health clinic or visit an expensive hotel for this, you can also fast from the comfort of your own home. In your familiar surroundings, you can carry out the fasting phase as you wish. However, you should fast under supervision so that you prepare yourself step by step.

L: liver fasting

Lent represents a recovery cure for the entire body. The liver in particular is happy about this break. Unhealthy diet, alcohol consumption and obesity put a lot of strain on the liver and can increase the risk of chronic diseases. A fasting relieves the liver and the liver values ​​can normalize.

M: Fasting with broth

During therapeutic fasting, only liquid food is consumed. Depending on the fasting method, one of the fasting drinks is often a broth or a fasting soup. Warm vegetable broth is a good source of energy because it heats up from the inside and at the same time provides important vitamins and minerals.

N: Fasting side effects

Fasting can contribute to great well-being. But fasting is also very individual and every body reacts differently to the process. Possible symptoms such as headaches, tiredness, dizziness or weakness may, but do not have to, occur. However, you can remedy this with a few simple tricks. For example, alkaline baths help to fall asleep, peppermint oil helps against headaches and dry brushing against circulatory problems.

O: Fasting without muscle loss

There are many myths about losing muscle while fasting. It is true that fasting therapy can lead to a small amount of muscle loss. The exact extent depends on the duration and phase of the fast. However, if you only fast for a few days and incorporate sufficient exercise into your everyday life without overexerting yourself, you don't have to worry about muscle loss. Some studies even report an increase in muscle strength and endurance with adapted physical training.

P: Fasting program

Do you want to do something good for your body in the long term? Then a professional fasting experience with a plan is required. There are a variety of programs for this. Because fasting is much more than just not eating. For a healthy abstinence you will find instructions that accompany you to different extents during your fasting program.

R: Fasting retreat

Fasting experiences for body and mind are often offered in the form of fasting retreats. A retreat is generally understood to be a phase of relaxation, rest and withdrawal from everyday life. Fasting retreats can be done either in special hotels or facilities or in the comfort of your own home. You decide where you want to retreat to for this fasting experience.

S: juice cleanse

With a juice cleanse , you give your body a break by going without solid food for a certain number of days. Meals are replaced with fruit and vegetable juices. Since the juices are your only source of micronutrients, you should focus on raw food quality so that you absorb all the important nutrients. A juice cleanse can help you recharge your batteries, break bad habits, and improve your well-being.

T: Fasting tea

Since you consciously avoid solid food when fasting, it is all the more important to drink enough. Tea is a suitable companion for this and the ideal supply of liquid to quench thirst. Ideally, you choose exquisite herbal mixtures that support you during the fasting period by having a beneficial effect on the stomach and intestines. The fasting tea provides you with valuable minerals and vitamins and can bring a little aromatic variety to the fasting period.

U: Fasting holiday

A holiday can, but does not have to be taken for a fasting experience. There are fasting programs that have been specially designed so that they can also be carried out in everyday life. Anyone who decides to withdraw completely from everyday life can also book a fasting holiday away from home.

W: What is permissible in fasting

What is specifically allowed when fasting depends heavily on the fasting method. With all fasting methods, drinking water and unsweetened teas is allowed. Fasting concepts that greatly reduce calorie intake and rely on liquid food put juices and broths first. Other methods allow continued food intake in the form of fruit, steamed vegetables, rice and potatoes. With the usual forms of fasting, however, alcohol and cigarettes should be avoided.

Y: Yoga

Yoga is a useful supplement to fasting. Because in fasting, as in yoga, we reflect on ourselves and devote ourselves to our body and mind. You can support the fasting process wonderfully with certain yoga exercises and the right diet or conscious abstinence. Yoga is a gentle exercise option that can be integrated into the fasting experience.

Z: Fasting at home

You can fast wherever you feel comfortable and secure. The familiar environment within your own four walls therefore has many advantages. Anyone who fasts at home should practice the fasting experience under supervision, especially as a beginner. With a little preparation or the right diet, you can easily master fasting at home. Decide for yourself which method is the right one, how long you want to fast and choose a period without important dates.

The I·DO juice fasting range at a glance

Juice cures for three days or longer - we have the right offer that suits you.