Sustainability & Social

Talking is silver, action is gold: Since the company was founded in 2014, we have been committed to the careful use of natural resources and sustainable environmental protection.

100% organic: All raw materials from organic farming.

Since the company was founded, we have placed the highest priority on ensuring that all ingredients for our products are produced in an ecologically sound manner. By using organic fruit and vegetables without compromise, we protect the ecosystem and the animal world.

Organic also offers advantages in terms of taste: The high quality of the raw materials and the value-preserving production of our juices ensure that you can enjoy 100% unadulterated nature. You can find more information about I·DO Bio on our Blog.

Member of the dual system Der Grüne Punkt for the high-quality recycling of our packaging

We have been working with Der Grünen Punkt for many years to recycle our packaging and thus keep raw materials in the economic cycle.

The amount of CO2 avoided through our participation in the dual system corresponds to the amount that 2 ha of forest filters out of the air in one year. We have saved over 12,000 kg of crude oil and prevented approx. 24 tCO2 from entering the atmosphere.

  • We save food thanks to “Too Good To go”

    I·DO actively fights against food waste. Since our juices are fresh products, it can happen from time to time that the sell-by date is approaching and we still have delicious juices in stock. Instead of throwing away the best quality juices, we have chosen to save as much food as possible and offer you our juices via the Too Good To Go app.

    The principle is quite simple: "Rescue delicious, overproduced food at a cheaper price". With just one click you can help us in Munich to reduce food waste. Saving groceries and trying new products has never been easier. We look forward to doing something good for the environment with you

  • Further social commitment

    Donation to the Arche Moosach (Munich): As a social institution, the Arche offers up to 120 children and young people a full, warm meal every day and space to play and learn. We regularly support the facility with our fresh juices. You can find information about Arche Moosach on their website.

    Participation in the “children for a better world” campaign: The Germany-wide campaign focuses on healthy nutrition for children. We have been actively supporting the basic retail chain project for many years. You can find more information about our participation in the magazine article.

    Dealing responsibly with our partners and suppliers: We know most of our farmers and suppliers personally and work closely with them. We value long-term cooperation and personal contact.

Bottles & Packaging: Our innovative and sustainable solutions

We aim to continuously improve our products and their manufacture. Of course, this philosophy not only applies to the juice itself, but also to the packaging. All of this, of course, under the aspect of preservation and careful use of our environment.

We are constantly working to make our packaging as sustainable as possible, to keep waste to a minimum and to offer our customers the best possible overall experience. Our packaging not only looks beautiful, but also fulfills the best possible use of the respective product.

R-PET: True freshness and environmental protection in one

More recycling for more environmental protection: Since September 2021, all I DO juice bottles have been made from 100% recycled polyethylene terephthalate (R-PET). Through these efforts, we are taking another step towards reducing and recycling packaging waste.

Discover juices in R-PET bottles

I·DO juice bottles made from 100% recycled PET

Our I·DO juice bottles are made from 100% recycled polyethylene terephthalate (R-PET). Instead of classic plastic, we opted for the more sustainable variant R-PET, also known as old plastic. Through these efforts, we are taking another step towards reducing and recycling packaging waste. True to the motto: More recycling for more environmental protection. The use of recycled PET helps to save natural resources and thus makes a significant contribution to environmental protection. The production is particularly energy-saving and thus makes a positive contribution to the ecological balance.

Recycled PET supports the circular economy and reduces the carbon footprint

Recycled PET is not newly produced PET from petroleum, a finite resource, but PET that has previously been used in packaging and has been prepared for reuse through an established recycling process. Life cycle assessments clearly show that recycled PET has a lower carbon footprint than virgin PET.

Cold-pressed juices in resource-saving R-PET

All I·DO juices in R-PET bottles are organic raw food quality . Because only this packaging material allows preservation with the help of over 6,000 bar high pressure (HPP process) - a particularly gentle method to preserve the best of the fresh products. This preserves the full flavor and all the nutrients. Due to the low weight of the R-PET packaging, it is currently considered a resource-saving packaging material for the freshly chilled I·DO organic juices.

Deposit makes it possible: more recycling and sustainability

We at I·DO have been committed to the environment from the very beginning. We are proud to take the next step and to be part of the deposit system in Germany from January. The goal is to keep as much plastic in the cycle as possible and to reduce the production of new plastic. For this reason, from January you will find the deposit symbol on the I·DO juice bottle, which allows us to return our most sustainable juice bottle to the recycling cycle and reuse it.

Bag-in-Box: your 3 liter supply for at home

More juice, longer enjoyment, less packaging waste - these are our 3L bag-in-box juices. Tap your freshly chilled juice every day and enjoy the unadulterated I·DO raw food quality.

Discover 3L bag-in-box juices

I DO 3L bag-in-box storage pack

You can find some of our most popular juices, such as the I·DO celery juice, in the practical 3l bag-in-box storage pack. Are you wondering what this storage pack is exactly? Quite simply: It is a dispensing station with 3 liters of juice, freshly chilled and packed in a cardboard box. The dispensing station makes it easier for you to pour and is absolutely easy and uncomplicated to use. Glass under the tap and let's go!

3L bag-in-box for more juice and less waste

This box saves you 12 R-PET single bottles, for more juice and less packaging waste. The box is more eco-friendly than a single bottle as it uses significantly fewer resources while still giving you a good amount of juice to tap at home. The 3L bag-in-box is one of our most innovative packaging solutions, as it saves money, space and weight, both during delivery and storage.

Bag-in-box for true raw food quality

One of the biggest advantages of the bag-in-box is that the packaging allows cold pressing with the HPP process. This way you get true raw food quality juice, without any heating to preserve it. In this way, all valuable vitamins, antioxidants and minerals are preserved. Thanks to the airtight packaging and the tap, the juice can be kept for a few weeks after opening.

Insulating cardboard made from sustainable raw materials (cardboard)

Sending several liters of juice or juice cures lasting several days is not easy. Nevertheless, we have succeeded in developing an insulating box that allows us to completely do without styrofoam or other insulating materials. The insulating box should ideally be disposed of with waste paper and is 100% recyclable.

Cooling elements keep your juices fresh during shipping

To ensure that the fresh I·DO juices arrive cool, we put ice packs in every cooling pack. These consist of a water-based gel. They are absolutely harmless and food-safe. Give them a new life by reusing them. Alternatively, you can safely dispose of them in the household waste.

Do you have any questions?

If you have any further questions, comments or feedback on sustainability, packaging or our social projects, we look forward to receiving an e-mail from: