Organic juice cleanses

What detoxification symptoms or problems can occur during an organic juice treatment from I·DO?

Every person reacts differently to avoiding solid food, caffeine and nicotine, which is basically what an organic juice treatment from I·DO does. The “withdrawal” can be particularly noticeable for coffee drinkers or smokers. In individual cases withdrawal symptoms may occur:

Fatigue and dizziness

Withdrawal of sugar or pick-me-ups, such as coffee, can lead to tiredness or even slight dizziness - but with lots of fluids and light exercise, the circulation can get going again. During a juice cleanse, it is never a bad idea to rest and give your body a break. If you feel slightly dizzy, it's best to slow down and rest.


Withdrawal can cause blood pressure to drop, which can lead to headaches. Headaches can be combated by exercising in the fresh air and drinking plenty of fluids (water and herbal tea).


Diarrhea, flatulence, constipation or a persistent feeling of fullness - raw food and fiber can cause digestion to become unbalanced at the beginning of a juice cleanse. Lots of fluids, such as water and herbal tea, also help here.

Skin irritations:

The consequences of detoxification can also be seen on the skin, namely through irritations, impurities and pimples. Fortunately, this is only temporary and after a while the skin should shine with a new shine.

Sensitivity to cold:

Since only cold juices are consumed during a juice cleanse and the energy intake is reduced by avoiding solid food, the body can react more sensitively to cold and begin to shiver. It helps to wrap up warmly and drink hot herbal tea.

Bad breath:

Bad breath can occur as a side effect of juice cleanses, but in this case you should not resort to chewing gum or sweets. It can help to gargle with herbal tea or simply brush your teeth a little more often than usual.

If withdrawal symptoms occur, you should not give up, because the subsequent increase in subjective well-being and general performance will be worth the effort.

Can alcohol, coffee, cigarettes or sugar be consumed during I·DO organic juice cleanses?

I DO recommends completely avoiding the toxins nicotine, alcohol, caffeine and also sugar and sweeteners during the juice cleanse, as this is the only way the body can detoxify holistically. What's the point of detoxification if new toxins are consumed during it?

A juice treatment is intended to cleanse and detoxify the body from the inside, so in order to experience the healing and cleansing effects of I·DO organic juices, toxins should be avoided.

If you consume alcohol regularly, abstinence for at least one day before starting the juice treatment is recommended; I·DO even expressly warns against alcohol consumption during the I·DO organic juice treatment.

How does digestion change during a juice cleanse?

Every body reacts differently. For some people everything stays as usual, others get a bit of diarrhea or the exact opposite, constipation - but does it matter? As a rule: no. Due to the change in food intake, digestion can also change slightly in the short term. If you are constipated, it is recommended to drink plenty of water. Even mild physical exertion can get the digestive tract going.

As with all physical changes and symptoms of a juice cleanse, you should see a doctor if symptoms persist for several days.

Can I·DO's organic juice cleanses be supplemented with solid food?

Solid food is not recommended during an I·DO organic juice cleanse and should be avoided.

If the feeling of hunger is really unbearable, you can eat a bit of cucumber or a few nuts. In addition, it always helps to drink plenty of fluids.

Does an intestinal cleanse have to be carried out before an I·DO juice treatment?

The juice cures from I·DO also work without such treatment in advance. However, a colon cleanse can improve the results of a juice cleanse. In addition, an empty intestine reduces the feeling of hunger at the start of the juice cleanse - so it's worth considering, but not a must.

Is it allowed to exercise during an organic juice cleanse from I·DO?

Gentle exercise such as running, swimming and yoga are particularly suitable during the juice cleanse. However, every person reacts differently and can do more or less exercise during a juice cleanse, so everyone should decide individually what and how much is possible. But it doesn't hurt to allow your body to relax and rest - you shouldn't expect too much of it

Do you have to go hungry during an I·DO organic juice treatment?

The I·DO recipes and the sequence of juices are specially designed to last through a normal day - several bottles of 240ml each are consumed every day. There is a huge difference between hunger and desire to eat. Everyone is familiar with cravings just before falling asleep or in stressful situations - a distinction should be made between real hunger and the desire to eat. However, the juice cleanse is deliberately designed so that no extra food has to be consumed.

A juice cleanse from I·DO may also help you develop a feeling for conscious nutrition. This experience can also help after the actual juice treatment has ended.

If there is no other option, you can eat a few nuts, almonds, cashews or a few pieces of cucumber.

What should you eat after an organic juice treatment from I·DO to avoid falling back into old habits?

I·DO recommends not immediately returning to old patterns and habits after several days of juice treatment. A juice cleanse costs a lot of willpower, time and money - so why go back to the status quo?

A central aspect of the juice cleanse is to create a new relationship with the body, nutrition and the feeling of hunger. During I·DO's organic juice cleanses, you will learn the difference between appetite (desire to eat), hunger (a growling stomach) and a real need for food. This experience and knowledge can be used to sustainably change eating habits.

In order not to immediately put the body under full strain again after a juice cleanse, you should change your diet slowly and get used to solid food again - it is best to drink a lot and, if possible, avoid stimulants (such as alcohol, coffee and cigarettes). Small portions can help you slowly get used to solid food again. You should eat lots of raw vegetables and no fatty, difficult-to-digest foods.

The diet in the days after the juice cleanse can be compiled from the following examples:

Breakfast: Lots of raw vegetables, fruit & fruit salads, vegetable/fruit juices, nuts

Lunch: Soups, salads, steamed vegetables, vegetable/fruit juices, whole carbohydrates (quinoa, brown rice, sweet potatoes, beans, oatmeal…)

Dinner: salad, vegetables, whole carbohydrates, soups

By eating slowly and in small portions, digestion is stimulated little by little and the body is not overloaded. This diet can be maintained even after a few days, because perhaps the organic juice cleanses from I·DO are not just a unique experience, but the first step towards a new, more conscious life and a healthy, balanced diet.

Should you change your diet before starting a juice cleanse?

In the preparation days (approx. 3 - 5 days) before a juice cleanse, fatty foods, carbohydrates, meat and sugar should be avoided. A good alternative are wholesome carbohydrates, such as quinoa, brown rice or millet and light raw vegetables, fruit and vegetables. By consuming smaller portions, you can help your stomach prepare for a juice cleanse.

It is best to avoid alcohol, nicotine and caffeine during the preparation days.

Such preparation days are recommended for every juice cleanse in order to benefit maximally from the juice cleanse. But it's not a must - the organic juice cleanses from I DO will do you good and have their effect even without days of preparation.

Can chewing gum or sweets be consumed?

Both should be avoided during the juice cleanse, as it tricks the brain into thinking that it has eaten and thus increases the feeling of hunger.

Do the organic juice cleanses from I·DO actively help you lose weight?

For most people, the calorie intake during a juice cleanse is significantly lower than in their regular diet, which is why a juice cleanse often has the side effect of shedding a few pounds. However, I·DO expressly distances itself from providers who misuse the term juice fasting as a diet, because even if the weight will reduce somewhat during the I·DO organic juice treatment - without a long-term change in one's own diet, the kilos will fall immediately after the treatment be back on it.

Can an I·DO organic juice treatment be carried out during pregnancy or breastfeeding?

You should not do a juice cleanse during pregnancy or breastfeeding, because a juice cleanse means you consume a smaller amount of calories for a short period of time, which creates an energy deficit. During pregnancy, however, the body needs more energy than usual, which is why a juice cleanse is not advisable during this time.

But after breastfeeding it shouldn't be a problem. In this case, any family doctor can help and provide information.

Can I DO organic juice cleanses be stored in the refrigerator and started later?

Thanks to HPP , the innovative manufacturing process, the I·DO organic juice has a longer shelf life and is therefore fresher if the juice treatment is ordered earlier and only started after a few days - this guarantees the greatest possible flexibility without compromising on quality.

It is important that the I·DO organic juices are permanently cooled at 0 - 7°C, because this is the only way to maintain the quality of the juices.

The minimum shelf life date on each individual bottle also provides information about the shelf life, so you can see exactly how long the juice treatment can be stored at home.

Do extra ingredients and food have to be purchased for the I·DO organic juice treatment?

The I·DO organic juice treatment contains all the juices and ingredients needed for a juice treatment - so you don't have to worry about anything extra.

Is there a difference between I·DO's organic juice cleanses and other juice cleanses?

The juice cures from I·DO are real organic juice cures. Why does that make a huge difference? The goal of a juice cleanse is to detoxify and cleanse the body, so what's the point of a juice cleanse if you immediately start consuming pesticides again through the low-quality juice? That's why I·DO has been relying on organic products since day 1 and doesn't make any lazy compromises.

In addition, at I DO, several 240ml bottles are consumed per day - this guarantees the greatest variety and maximum flexibility. In addition to its great effect, the juice treatment should also taste good and be fun!

I·DO is convinced to offer the best organic juice treatment! A lot of effort and love is put into the development and production of I·DO organic juices every day - every juice is unique! Nevertheless, everyone has to find out for themselves what works best for them.

Does the I·DO organic juice cleanse cause deficiencies in the body or does it provide all the important nutrients?

The I·DO organic juice treatment not only offers a range of delicious juices, but also products that have a lot of nutritional value! The juice treatment offers a variety of nutrients - for example vitamins and minerals.

I·DO also guarantees a balanced supply thanks to the varied composition and the different contents of the individual juices.

Should extra fiber, proteins or dietary supplements be consumed during an organic juice treatment from I·DO?

The main thing with a juice cleanse is to protect the digestive tract and not put it under strain. Fiber is of course an important component of a balanced diet outside of the I·DO organic juice treatment and is also important for digestion, but it does not contain any nutrients that could be missing during a juice treatment.

Green juices are an important basic component of the I·DO organic juice treatment as they also contain proteins. If there is no other option, the need for proteins and essential fatty acids can be supplemented with nuts, for example.

Dietary supplements should be avoided completely - the I·DO organic juice treatment is specially formulated so that there should be no deficiency conditions in the body.

What can be drunk during the I·DO organic juice treatment?

Caffeine and teas containing tea should be avoided during a juice cleanse - herbal teas are good. A hot lemon with ginger and honey is also a sensible alternative. Of course, you should also drink as much water as possible, preferably still.

Why should an organic juice treatment from I·DO be carried out?

Stress at work, another night of drinking and again forgetting to give your body what it really needs - everyday life can be stressful. All of these things can make you feel uncomfortable in your own skin. When the body doesn't function properly, it can affect many things in life, so your own health and a balanced diet should be a priority.

That's why I·DO juice treatments exist :

Choose between the Easy Bio Juice Treatment (3 days), the Bio Balance Juice Treatment (5 days) or the Lean Green Organic Juice Treatment (6 days). Whether it's a short break, a new start or an intensive challenge - the I·DO juice cleanses have something for every purpose.

During the time in which the I·DO organic juice cures are carried out, the body receives everything it needs - vitamins, minerals, trace elements, enzymes and antioxidants. Our juice cleanses are a way to get a fresh start and replenish the body's energy stores with the best organic fruit and vegetables.

Should you take vacation for an organic juice treatment from I·DO?

Although it's not wrong not to overdo your workload during a juice cleanse, everyone should still be able to get through a normal working day just fine. Many of the I·DO customers even report enthusiastically about an exhilarating day at work during the juice cleanse.

Doesn't the body detoxify itself?

In fact, the body is designed to eliminate toxins independently through the function of the liver and kidneys. A little support to really flush out the body never hurt.

Can individual bottles be replaced with I·DO organic juice treatments?

Unfortunately, this is not so easy because the bottles are packed in standardized packages. Two different variants can be selected online. The organic juice cures from I·DO are structured differently and have different durations:

The Easy Bio Juice Treatment (3 days) is a simple, three-day break to relieve stress and make you feel more light. 6-7 cold-pressed, never heated organic juices are delivered per day, Fireball Boost or Happy Hazelnut are available separately in the value package. Give yourself and your body a short break to breathe deeply, recharge your batteries and gain new energy. The Easy Bio juice treatment combines six (basic) or seven (value package) cold-pressed, unpasteurized juices per day in a perfect, varied juice treatment package.

The Bio Balance juice treatment (5 days) is a proven and enjoyable new start for a life in balance. 8-10 cold-pressed, never heated organic juices are delivered per day. Are you looking for a reset or want to bring more balance into your life? The Bio Balance juice treatment combines eight (basic) or ten (value package) cold-pressed, unpasteurized juices and wellness drinks per day in a perfectly coordinated juice treatment package.

The Lean Green Organic Juice Treatment (6 days) is the sophisticated vegetable juice treatment with extra little sugar. 6-7 cold-pressed, never heated organic juices are delivered per day. Would you like to feel more lightness again? The Lean Green Organic Juice Cleanse combines six (basic) or seven (value package) cold-pressed, unpasteurized juices per day in a perfect, reduced-calorie juice cleanse package.

All juices are of course 100% raw food quality and vegan and without added sugar or artificial additives. There is a juice cleanse guide and app instructions for every juice cleanse.

You can find the exact composition online .

It is also possible to put together an individual juice treatment if the I·DO organic juices are purchased in retail stores and put together yourself. The I·DO store finder shows all markets that sell I·DO organic juices. It is also possible to order individual juices online and create your own juice treatment. A longer duration of the juice treatment is of course also possible by adding the individual treatment to the shopping cart several times.

Do the juices in the I·DO organic juice cures differ from the individual I·DO organic juices?

In short: no!

But: The I·DO organic juice treatment consists of different I·DO organic juices of 240ml each day . The sequence of juices is nutritionally balanced to ensure that everyone gets through the day perfectly.

Why do the green I·DO juices taste so intense?

The green juices are the engine in the I·DO menu. The high proportion of kale and other superfoods makes green juice an important component of I DO juice cleanses. If there is no other option, you can add a little lemon or lime juice to the juice.

Organic juice cures from I·DO in conjunction with mybacs

Mybacs is a synbiotic. The bacterial composition has the task of supporting the body and digestion. It is taken as a dietary supplement, which consists of bacterial cultures, minerals, vitamins and natural plant extracts.

The dietary supplement is available for women and men. In both products, the capsules contain D-biotin, vitamin C, vitamin D and zinc, as well as specific bacterial strains. The capsules for women also contain folate and iron. Selenium is added to the product for men.

The capsules are intended to help and improve the digestive tract, the cardiovascular system, the psyche, the cells, allergies and the metabolism. In addition, mybacs are intended to protect against pathogens, maintain mucous membrane immunity, support nutrient utilization and break down metabolic toxins.

Advantages of mybacs:

- Synbiotics specifically tailored to needs

- Sustainable

- High quality

- Safe and well tolerated

- Causal rather than symptomatic approach. So this means that it is not only used to treat the symptoms but also to eliminate them

- No animal additives, lactose-free, gluten-free

- No chemical side effects, allergen-free

- Suitable for all diets

That's why one capsule of mybacs is recommended every day in addition to the juice treatment.

In the I·DO organic juice treatment delivery, some juices were replaced by others - why?

I·DO supplies fresh products, which is why individual varieties can be temporarily replaced in the juice treatment for reasons of availability. If the demand for individual products is particularly high or individual juices are not available, they will be replaced partially or completely - but the recommended order for your consumption does not change.

Is there a minimum age for the I·DO organic juice cures?

If you are under 18, please consult your parents and/or a doctor first.

Can an I·DO organic juice treatment be carried out if you take medication regularly?

In this case, a family doctor should be consulted just to be on the safe side.

Can the I·DO organic juice treatment be adapted if you have allergies or intolerances?

Unfortunately, it is not possible to leave out or add ingredients for individual orders because the recipes are finely coordinated and cannot be easily changed. For each juice treatment, individual juices can be ordered online (or in stores) to replace the juice - I·DO customer support will be happy to help if you have any questions about the replacement.

Where can I get the I·DO juice treatment instructions?

The complete juice treatment instructions are available for download here:

You will also receive a printed version in your package

Can an I·DO organic juice treatment also be carried out as a diabetic?

In this case, you should definitely consult a doctor before ordering an I·DO organic juice treatment.

What is the I·DO Bio Cleanse Bible?

The I DO Cleanse Bible is a guide that is intended to provide the best possible support in the preparation phase, implementation and follow-up of a juice cleanse. It includes a nutrition plan with delicious recipes and lots of important information. This makes it clear how small changes in eating habits can make juice fasting more successful. The Cleanse Bible is available here.

In which order should the juices be drunk during the Bio Balance juice treatment?

Depending on your daily rhythm, the juices are drunk every two to three hours. We recommend the following order

  1. Fireball Boost
  2. Karma Carrot
  3. Daily Greens
  4. ActiveLemonade (only in the special package)
  5. Liquid Salad
  6. Pineapple Passion
  7. Sweet Greens
  8. Soulful Beets
  9. Easy Celery
  10. Happy Hazelnut (only in the special package)

Of course, this order is not set in stone. Would you rather have a rich sweet greens in the morning? Do you prefer to do your exercise program right before you go to bed or early in the morning? Of course, you can adjust the order according to your needs. Listen to what your body is telling you.

*We deliver fresh products, so we reserve the right to temporarily replace individual varieties in the juice treatment due to availability reasons. We will then replace the respective product, but the recommended order will not change.

Do the juices serve a specific purpose?

Daily Greens:

Spinach juice tastes too healthy? Are you kidding me? Are you serious when you say that! Our Daily Greens impresses with a harmonious mix of spinach, cucumber and kale juice. Fresh apples and a touch of lemon provide the fruity note. Gives power and nourishes the body. Spinach contains valuable nutrients such as vitamin C, beta-carotene and important minerals such as potassium, calcium, magnesium and iron.

Liquid Salad:

Our Liquid Salad is more than just an organic vegetable juice. It is your daily portion of vegetables and fruit to drink. The cold-pressed juice is a real nutrient bomb and also impresses with its fresh taste. A splash of lemon ensures this, among other things. Perfect as a drinking treat in between meals or as a tasty pick-me-up during your juice cleanse.

Easy Celery:

Healthy and still tasty: If you want to buy organic celery juice without grimacing while drinking it, you'll get your money's worth with our Easy Celery. Thanks to the combination with lemon juice and ginger, the taste of celery is slightly toned down - without losing its health benefits. Goes down like butter, but is significantly more nutritious.

Karma Carrot:

A synergy of fruit and vegetables: The Karma Carrot impresses with a harmonious mix of sweet and tart. Carrot juice meets tropical pineapple, fresh lemon and juicy apple. This means that the organic juice not only tastes extremely good, but also provides many important nutrients that contribute to the normal function of the immune system. Perfect to put you in a good mood every now and then.

Pineapple Passion:

Our cold-pressed pineapple juice tastes like a short vacation to the tropics: the finest pineapple meets passion fruit, lemon and ginger. A touch of turmeric gives the juice just the right fiery note and is a real miracle weapon and is considered a superfood with essential minerals, antioxidants and vitamins. The perfect relaxation for body and mind.

Fireball Boost:

Hot, hotter, Firball Boost! Our organic ginger shot gives you a vitamin boost with every sip and contributes to the normal function of the immune system. The citrus fruits it contains give the immune shot a fruity, sour note. Our highlight: A pinch of cayenne pepper ensures a unique drinking pleasure. Thanks to the practical 240ml bottle, you can enjoy several shots at once!

Soulful Beets:

Is beetroot juice boring? Are you kidding me? Are you serious when you say that! Our Soulful Beets contains two delicious beets that impress in a team with apple, lemon and ginger. Thanks to folic acid and iron, beetroot has a positive effect on the formation of red blood cells. Packed with important vitamins and minerals, beet juice gives you new strength and energy - for example as an afternoon snack, after exercise or as part of your juice treatment.

Sweet Greens:

Sweet Greens are made of this: Delicious organic cucumber juice meets our favorite spicy root: ginger! There are also apple and lemon, which give the green juice the necessary sweetness. The vitamin cocktail not only tastes fruity and fresh, but also provides the body with important nutrients - perfect as an accompaniment to your juice cleanse!

Happy Hazelnut:

Your break has never been so delicious! Our vegan organic hazelnut milk boasts an incredibly creamy texture and just the right amount of sweetness from dates. The light note of vanilla is a great contrast to the bitter hazelnut. The drink is rounded off with a pinch of Himalayan salt. Filling, strengthening and perfect for an enjoyable break.

Active Lemonade:

Probiotic foods are said to support digestion through active bacteria and have a positive effect on the immune system. In our Active Lemon, two special types of bacteria ensure this: the Bacillus Coagulans and BC30. Together with activated charcoal, apple cider vinegar and lemon, our organic lemonade offers a beneficial overall composition for a healthy body that also tastes good.

In which order should the juices be drunk during the Easy Bio juice treatment?

Depending on your daily rhythm, the juices are drunk every two to three hours. We recommend the following order:

  1. Fireball Boost (Only in the advantage package option A)
  2. Karma Carrot
  3. Sweet Greens
  4. Pineapple Passion
  5. ActiveLemonade
  6. Soulful Beets
  7. Daily Greens
  8. Happy Hazelnut (Only in the option B package)

Of course, this order is not set in stone. Would you rather have a rich Daily Greens in the morning? Do you prefer to do your exercise program right before you go to bed or early in the morning? Of course, you can adjust the order according to your needs. Listen to what your body is telling you.

*We deliver fresh products, so we reserve the right to temporarily replace individual varieties in the juice treatment due to availability reasons. We will then replace the respective product, but the recommended order will not change.

In which order should the juices be drunk during the Lean Green organic juice treatment?

Depending on your daily rhythm, the juices are drunk every two to three hours. We recommend the following order:

  1. Celery juice 500ml (only in the special package)
  2. Sweet Greens
  3. Liquid Salad
  4. Sweet Greens
  5. Daily Greens
  6. Liquid Salad
  7. Daily Greens

Of course, this order is not set in stone. Would you rather have a rich Daily Greens in the morning? Do you prefer to do your exercise program right before you go to bed or early in the morning? Of course, you can adjust the order according to your needs. Listen to what your body is telling you.

*We deliver fresh products, so we reserve the right to temporarily replace individual varieties in the juice treatment due to availability reasons. We will then replace the respective product, but the recommended order will not change.

How many calories do the organic juice cleanses from I·DO have?

The calories of the individual juice cleanses from I·DO can be found in the following table:

Easy organic

Calories per day: 588 kcal

Calories per day advantage package Hazelnut / Normal: 777 kcal

Calories per day Fireball benefit package: 710.4 kcal

Total calories: 1764 kcal

Total calories from the Hazelnut / Normal package: 2,331 kcal

Total calories from Fireball benefit package: 2,131 kcal

Organic balance

Calories per day: 799.2 kcal

Calories per day advantage package Hazelnut / Normal: 1,017 kcal

Calories per day Fireball benefit package: 0 kcal

Total calories: 3,996 kcal

Total calories from the Hazelnut / Normal package: 5,058 kcal

Total calories Fireball benefit package: 0 kcal

Lean Grenn Bio

Calories per day: 523 kcal

Calories per day advantage package Hazelnut / Normal: 618 kcal

Calories per day Fireball benefit package: 0 kcal

Total calories: 3138 kcal

Total calories from the Hazelnut / Normal package: 3,708 kcal

Total calories Fireball benefit package: 0 kcal

What is the difference between the Easy Bio, the Bio Balance and the Lean Green Bio Juice Treatment?

The organic juice cures from I·DO are structured differently and have different durations:

The Easy Bio Juice Treatment (3 days) is a simple, three-day break to relieve stress and make you feel more light. 6-7 cold-pressed, never heated organic juices are delivered per day, Fireball Boost or Happy Hazelnut are available separately in the value package. Give yourself and your body a short break to breathe deeply, recharge your batteries and gain new energy. The Easy Bio juice treatment combines six (basic) or seven (value package) cold-pressed, unpasteurized juices per day in a perfect, varied juice treatment package.

The Bio Balance juice treatment (5 days) is a proven and enjoyable new start for a life in balance. 8-10 cold-pressed, never heated organic juices are delivered per day. Are you looking for a reset or want to bring more balance into your life? The Bio Balance juice treatment combines eight (basic) or ten (value package) cold-pressed, unpasteurized juices and wellness drinks per day in a perfectly coordinated juice treatment package.

The Lean Green Organic Juice Treatment (6 days) is the sophisticated vegetable juice treatment with extra little sugar. 6-7 cold-pressed, never heated organic juices are delivered per day. Would you like to feel more lightness again? The Lean Green Organic Juice Cleanse combines six (basic) or seven (value package) cold-pressed, unpasteurized juices per day in a perfect, reduced-calorie juice cleanse package.

All juices are of course 100% raw food quality and vegan and without added sugar or artificial additives. There is a juice cleanse guide and app instructions for every juice cleanse.

Why should an organic juice treatment from I·DO be carried out?

Stress at work, another night of drinking and again forgetting to give your body what it really needs - everyday life can be stressful. All of these things can make you feel uncomfortable in your own skin. When the body doesn't function properly, it can affect many things in life, so your own health and a balanced diet should be a priority.

That's why I·DO juice treatments exist :

Choose between the Easy Bio Juice Treatment (3 days), the Bio Balance Juice Treatment (5 days) or the Lean Green Organic Juice Treatment (6 days). Whether it's a short break, a new start or an intensive challenge - the I·DO juice cleanses have something for every purpose.

During the time in which the I·DO organic juice cures are carried out, the body receives everything it needs - vitamins, minerals, trace elements, enzymes and antioxidants. Our juice cleanses are a way to get a fresh start and replenish the body's energy stores with the best organic fruit and vegetables.

Are there different days for I·DO juice cleanses?

At I·DO there are three different juice cures , which last between 3-6 days. From a short, relieving break to an enjoyable restart to a sophisticated vegetable juice treatment, everything is included. Through these treatments, we have put together the optimal juice treatments to support and care for you in a wide variety of phases and goals.

A longer fasting period is of course still possible. For example, you can fast for another 10 or 12 days. In this case, the corresponding juice treatment package should be placed in the shopping cart twice. An individual composition of the juice treatment is also possible. The individual juices can easily be combined individually - they are always delivered in packs of 6.

Organic raw vegetable juices (240ml)

How long do I·DO organic juices last?

In principle, the juices have a shelf life of two weeks upon delivery - but thanks to HPP , this can also be up to several weeks! There is a best-before date printed on every single bottle.* Regardless of the shelf life, the juices always look like they have been freshly squeezed and are full of all the good fruit and vegetables. It is important that they are permanently cooled - because the quality of the juice can only be maintained with constant cooling.

* If you have any questions about product quality, please always provide the batch number.

What is the difference between HPP and pasteurization?

The HPP process is a special manufacturing method in which food is preserved using high pressure. This eliminates unwanted microorganisms - without heating the products. This product-friendly method makes it possible to preserve the important components of fruit and vegetables and to produce a product without any additives.

During pasteurization, on the other hand, the food is heated to a minimum of 60°C and a maximum of 100°C in order to ensure a longer shelf life. This can destroy important vitamins and nutrients in fruits and vegetables. Products that are pasteurized have no raw food quality and are of lower quality.

With the help of this method, I DO manages to produce the best, freshest and most flavorful juice without sacrificing a longer shelf life and all without heat and chemicals, i.e. without any loss of quality.

Only thanks to the HPP process can the fresh, raw quality of the juices be guaranteed without artificial additives.

How are I DO organic juices made?

The special manufacturing process is called the HPP process , a method of preserving food without heating it. The product is placed under very high pressure in the packaging, which leads to the inactivation of a large number of the microorganisms living there. The process is named after Blaise Pascal, a French scientist who studied the effects of pressure on liquids as early as the 17th century. Today, during the pascalization process, up to 6,000 bar (≈ 87,000 psi) pressure is applied to the already packaged product, in this case the juice. With the help of this method, I·DO manages to produce the best, freshest and most flavorful juice without sacrificing a longer shelf life and without any heat or chemicals, i.e. without any loss of quality.

Only thanks to this process can the fresh, raw quality of the juices be guaranteed without artificial additives.

What is the difference between I·DO organic juices and smoothies?

With a pure fruit juice, the solid components are separated from the liquid ones, resulting in a concentrated load of vitamins and other nutrients. In the case of a smoothie, for example, the peel is often also processed, which leads to a higher proportion of fiber. Due to the lower fiber content in pure fruit juices, they are better suited to protecting or detoxifying the digestive system. What's more, unlike some smoothies, I·DO organic juices are not diluted with water or milk and no sugar, colorings or other artificial additives are added - so the juices contain 100% pure, undiluted fruit.

What additives are contained in I·DO organic juices?

There is nothing in the juices that was not already contained in fruits and vegetables. No added flavor enhancers, no added sugar, no preservatives - the nutrients it contains come exclusively from the ingredients used. No synthetic vitamins are added.

What is the difference between I·DO and other juices?

I·DO has been relying on organic juices of the highest raw food quality since day one. Here you still know the farmer personally, only the best goes into the bottle. Thanks to the high-pressure protection, juice compositions with particularly high levels of vitamins and nutritional values ​​are created. The I DO recipes support a balanced diet and an active everyday life - and all ingredients are 100% organic .

Can I·DO juices be frozen?

It's no problem to freeze the I·DO juices, it's just important to let them thaw in the fridge overnight.

Unfortunately, we can't say anything about the exact shelf life when freezing - the motto here is:
After thawing: smell, taste, feel. As long as the bottle doesn't bloat strangely, hiss when opened or the juice smells fermented, everything is fine.

The contents of the I·DO organic juice have settled - is the juice bad?

It is completely normal for the contents in the bottles to settle after standing or lying down for a long time, as the juices are freshly pressed and not homogenized, but that does not make the juice bad. By briefly shaking the bottle, the contents will mix again as usual.

What recipes are behind the I·DO organic juices?

The exact composition of the I·DO organic juices can be found on the respective bottle and in the individual product descriptions. For maximum transparency, each ingredient is shown on the bottle with an exact percentage. Each I·DO bottle contains up to 1.5 kg of fresh fruit and vegetables - anything that isn't written on it isn't included!

Are the I·DO juices organic?

Only ingredients from controlled organic cultivation from certified producers are used to produce the juices. Regardless of whether the daily diet is sensibly supplemented with the I·DO nutrient bombs made from fresh fruit and vegetables or a juice cleanse lasting several days - only organic food can be put into the bottle. The use of ecological ingredients also represents a contribution to a sustainable approach to nature and people - anything else contradicts the philosophy and concept of I·DO.

Find out more about the properties of organic juices in the I·DO magazine.

Where does I·DO source the fruit and vegetables for the organic juices?

The origin of the ingredients of each juice varies depending on the season and availability - the fruits and vegetables are not always purchased from the same producers. But the fact is that all ingredients are always and exclusively from controlled organic cultivation by certified producers in Bioland or Demeter quality , but at least according to the EC organic standard - no exceptions are made!

Can I·DO organic juices be consumed during an illness?

In principle, you should always consult a doctor if you are ill.

The I·DO organic juices usually support the immune system with their rich ingredients and many vitamins and can do good for a annoying cold, for example. In addition, these vitamin bombs can have a preventive effect against the flu and strengthen the immune system!

Are the I·DO organic juices raw?

Through a special manufacturing process , I·DO was able to create a juice that is not only made from fresh organic fruit and vegetables but also reaches customers in the best raw food quality . The high-pressure manufacturing process without heating the products guarantees fresh taste and raw, valuable nutrients in the I·DO organic juices.

Can I·DO organic juices be ordered individually or just as a juice treatment lasting several days?

Each individual I·DO organic juice contains a unique composition of fresh fruit and vegetables to strengthen the immune system, supply the body with vitamins or enable a balanced diet. Individual juices also have this benefit - so it doesn't always have to be a multi-day juice cleanse . Individual juices also support health - and they taste simply delicious!

Are the I·DO organic juices vegan?

Every I·DO organic juice is vegan, which is why I·DO has received the V-Label , a uniform seal of quality from the European Vegetarian Union. The juices consist of 100% fruit and vegetables, without any animal products. We also deliberately avoid dilating with milk or milk substitutes - which is exactly why the products are of course lactose-free. You can find detailed information about the individual compositions in the product descriptions of each juice.

Find out more about the properties of organic juices in the I·DO magazine.

Are I·DO organic juices gluten-free?

All I·DO organic juices are 100% gluten-free!

Find out more about the properties of organic juices in the I·DO magazine.

What is the difference between the I·DO shots and the 240ml I·DO juices?

The I·DO Shots deliver concentrated nutrients in small, convenient portions. The basis of the shots is ginger. The fresh kick of ginger is available in combination with selected superfoods such as turmeric, maca & Co. The shots are made using the same process as our juices - HPP. They are cold-pressed and contain all the important vitamins and nutrients, always without additives.

Can you try the I·DO juices?

For anyone who first wants to find their favorite or try the juices before a juice cleanse, the complete range of bottles is available in a practical sample package .

Experience the entire I·DO bottle range: Eight soothing organic juices, three fruity-spicy ginger shots, two special wellness drinks - all of course, as always, 100% raw food quality and never heated.

Do the juices serve a specific purpose?

Daily Greens:

Spinach juice tastes too healthy? Are you kidding me? Are you serious when you say that! Our Daily Greens impresses with a harmonious mix of spinach, cucumber and kale juice. Fresh apples and a touch of lemon provide the fruity note. Gives power and nourishes the body. Spinach contains valuable nutrients such as vitamin C, beta-carotene and important minerals such as potassium, calcium, magnesium and iron.

Liquid Salad:

Our Liquid Salad is more than just an organic vegetable juice. It is your daily portion of vegetables and fruit to drink. The cold-pressed juice is a real nutrient bomb and also impresses with its fresh taste. A splash of lemon ensures this, among other things. Perfect as a drinking treat in between meals or as a tasty pick-me-up during your juice cleanse.

Easy Celery:

Healthy and still tasty: If you want to buy organic celery juice without grimacing while drinking it, you'll get your money's worth with our Easy Celery. Thanks to the combination with lemon juice and ginger, the taste of celery is slightly toned down - without losing its health benefits. Goes down like butter, but is significantly more nutritious.

Karma Carrot:

A synergy of fruit and vegetables: The Karma Carrot impresses with a harmonious mix of sweet and tart. Carrot juice meets tropical pineapple, fresh lemon and juicy apple. This means that the organic juice not only tastes extremely good, but also provides many important nutrients that contribute to the normal functioning of the immune system. Perfect to put you in a good mood every now and then.

Pineapple Passion:

Our cold-pressed pineapple juice tastes like a short vacation to the tropics: the finest pineapple meets passion fruit, lemon and ginger. A touch of turmeric gives the juice just the right fiery note and is a real miracle weapon and is considered a superfood with essential minerals, antioxidants and vitamins. The perfect relaxation for body and mind.

Fireball Boost:

Hot, hotter, Firball Boost! Our organic ginger shot gives you a vitamin boost with every sip and contributes to the normal function of the immune system. The citrus fruits it contains give the immune shot a fruity, sour note. Our highlight: A pinch of cayenne pepper ensures a unique drinking pleasure. Thanks to the practical 240ml bottle, you can enjoy several shots at once!

Soulful Beets:

Is beetroot juice boring? Are you kidding me? Are you serious when you say that! Our Soulful Beets contains two delicious beets that impress in a team with apple, lemon and ginger. Thanks to folic acid and iron, beetroot has a positive effect on the formation of red blood cells. Packed with important vitamins and minerals, beet juice gives you new strength and energy - for example as an afternoon snack, after exercise or as part of your juice treatment.

Sweet Greens:

Sweet Greens are made of this: Delicious organic cucumber juice meets our favorite spicy root: ginger! There are also apple and lemon, which give the green juice the necessary sweetness. The vitamin cocktail not only tastes fruity and fresh, but also provides the body with important nutrients - perfect as an accompaniment to your juice cleanse!

Happy Hazelnut:

Your break has never been so delicious! Our vegan organic hazelnut milk boasts an incredibly creamy texture and just the right amount of sweetness from dates. The light note of vanilla is a great contrast to the bitter hazelnut. The drink is rounded off with a pinch of Himalayan salt. Filling, strengthening and perfect for an enjoyable break.

Active Lemonade:

Probiotic foods are said to support digestion through active bacteria and have a positive effect on the immune system. In our Active Lemon, two special types of bacteria ensure this: the Bacillus Coagulans and BC30. Together with activated charcoal, apple cider vinegar and lemon, our organic lemonade offers a beneficial overall composition for a healthy body that also tastes good.

3L bag in box

What is the difference between HPP and pasteurization?

The HPP process is a special manufacturing method in which food is preserved using high pressure. This eliminates unwanted microorganisms - without heating the products. This product-friendly method makes it possible to preserve the important components of fruit and vegetables and to produce a product without any additives.

During pasteurization, on the other hand, the food is heated to a minimum of 60°C and a maximum of 100°C in order to ensure a longer shelf life. This can destroy important vitamins and nutrients in fruits and vegetables. Products that are pasteurized have no raw food quality and are of lower quality.

With the help of this method, I DO manages to produce the best, freshest and most flavorful juice without sacrificing a longer shelf life and all without heat and chemicals, i.e. without any loss of quality.

Only thanks to the HPP process can the fresh, raw quality of the juices be guaranteed without artificial additives.

What additives are contained in I·DO organic juices?

There is nothing in the juices that was not already contained in fruits and vegetables. No added flavor enhancers, no added sugar, no preservatives - the nutrients it contains come exclusively from the ingredients used. No synthetic vitamins are added.

How long does the juice in the I·DO Bag-in-a-Box last?

The Bag-in-a-Box fresh juice has a shelf life of approx. 30 days. The guaranteed minimum shelf life upon delivery is 10 days. It should be constantly cooled and is therefore best stored in the refrigerator. Each box has a best-before date printed on it. This date should be adhered to regardless of when the box is opened.

Is celery juice comparable to freshly squeezed juice?

Like all I·DO Bio products, celery juice is produced using the special HPP process. HPP is a special manufacturing method in which food is preserved using high pressure. This eliminates unwanted microorganisms - without heating the products. This product-friendly method makes it possible to preserve the important components of fruit and vegetables and to produce a product without any additives.

During pasteurization, on the other hand, the food is heated to a minimum of 60°C and a maximum of 100°C in order to ensure a longer shelf life. This can destroy important vitamins and nutrients in fruits and vegetables. Products that are pasteurized have no raw food quality and are of lower quality.

With the help of this method, I DO manages to produce the best, freshest and most flavorful juice without sacrificing a longer shelf life and all without heat and chemicals, i.e. without any loss of quality.

Only thanks to the HPP process can the fresh, raw quality of the juices be guaranteed without artificial additives.

How is the I·DO Bag-in-a-Box constructed?

The Bag-in-a-Box fresh juice is assembled and ready to tap in just a few steps. The necessary steps are explained in more detail here .

What is the I·DO 3L Bag-in-a-Box fresh juice?

With the Bag-in-a-Box tap station, freshly squeezed juice in raw food quality comes straight to your home. The juice can be tapped at home, true to the motto: tap it yourself instead of making it yourself. The box contains 15 portions of 200ml each, which have a shelf life of approx. 30 days. The celery juice contains 9.5 kg of celery and one lemon.

The Bag-in-a-Box fresh juice should be permanently cooled, so it is best stored in the refrigerator.

What material is the I·DO Bag-in-a-Box made of?

The I·DO Bag-in-a-Box fresh juices are filled in a PET bag. This is in a cardboard box. Both are completely recyclable and easy to separate from each other.

Organic ginger shots (60ml)

What is the difference between HPP and pasteurization?

The HPP process is a special manufacturing method in which food is preserved using high pressure. This eliminates unwanted microorganisms - without heating the products. This product-friendly method makes it possible to preserve the important components of fruit and vegetables and to produce a product without any additives.

During pasteurization, on the other hand, the food is heated to a minimum of 60°C and a maximum of 100°C in order to ensure a longer shelf life. This can destroy important vitamins and nutrients in fruits and vegetables. Products that are pasteurized have no raw food quality and are of lower quality.

With the help of this method, I DO manages to produce the best, freshest and most flavorful juice without sacrificing a longer shelf life and all without heat and chemicals, i.e. without any loss of quality.

Only thanks to the HPP process can the fresh, raw quality of the juices be guaranteed without artificial additives.

What additives are contained in I·DO organic juices?

There is nothing in the juices that was not already contained in fruits and vegetables. No added flavor enhancers, no added sugar, no preservatives - the nutrients it contains come exclusively from the ingredients used. No synthetic vitamins are added.

What is the difference between I·DO and other juices?

I·DO has been relying on organic juices of the highest raw food quality since day one. Here you still know the farmer personally, only the best goes into the bottle. Thanks to the high-pressure protection, juice compositions with particularly high levels of vitamins and nutritional values ​​are created. The I DO recipes support a balanced diet and an active everyday life - and all ingredients are 100% organic .

What is the difference between the I·DO shots and the 240ml I·DO juices?

The I·DO Shots deliver concentrated nutrients in small, convenient portions. The basis of the shots is ginger. The fresh kick of ginger is available in combination with selected superfoods such as turmeric, maca & Co. The shots are made using the same process as our juices - HPP. They are cold-pressed and contain all the important vitamins and nutrients, always without additives.

How long do the I·DO shots last?

When the I·DO shots are delivered, you will get an average shelf life of 15 days (but at least 10 days guaranteed). We achieve these durability times by using our special HPP manufacturing method . Regardless of how long they last, the I·DO shots always feel like they have been freshly pressed and are full of all the good nutrients. It is important that they are permanently cooled - because the quality of the shot can only be maintained with constant cooling.

What are the benefits of the I·DO shots?

The I DO Shots are the ideal companion and extension to a juice cleanse. A fiery ginger shot in the morning to get going? No problem!

Alternatively, a shot cure can also be done, which can be carried out as intermittent fasting, for example. The shots can also simply be used as a supplement to your daily diet.

They are cold-pressed and contain all the important vitamins and nutrients, always without additives.

Is there an I·DO Shot trial package?

Your daily freshness kick with ginger and selected superfoods. The Bio Shots deliver concentrated nutrients in small, convenient portions. Always without additives.

Our recommendation: the mixed box with all three varieties to get to know - whether in the morning as a wake-up call or as a freshness kick in between. Our three organic ginger shots are your perfect companion for any time of day. Experience all varieties in the practical mixed box of 12.

Did you know: Our shot bottles are made from 100% R-PET. Recycled PET is not newly produced PET made from petroleum, a finite resource, but rather PET that has already been used for packaging and has been prepared for reuse through an established recycling process. Life cycle assessments clearly show that recycled PET has a lower carbon footprint than newly produced PET.

Make the I·DO organic ginger shots your morning wellness routine: shake, drink and feel good.

By the way, the shots are also part of the I·DO trial package .

What material is the packaging of the I·DO shots made of?

Our shot bottles are made from 100% R-PET. Recycled PET is not newly produced PET made from petroleum, a finite resource, but rather PET that has already been used for packaging and has been prepared for reuse through an established recycling process. Life cycle assessments clearly show that recycled PET has a lower carbon footprint than newly produced PET.

Eco addons

What is the I·DO fasting guide?

For example, many people use the traditional Lent to temporarily give up everyday vices or simply to give up things that are unhealthy and harmful to the environment. Fasting can therefore not only serve to do something good for the body or the environment, but also to sharpen awareness in the sense of one's own mindfulness. That's why I DO has put together everything about fasting here .

What exactly are I·DO fruit and vegetable nets?

The I·DO Food Bags help to recycle plastic sensibly in order to integrate environmentally conscious behavior into everyday life. Used as a reusable fruit and vegetable net to protect valuable fresh produce while shopping and on the way home. This also means you can save even more single-use plastic and paper bags when shopping. The lightweight, small folded nets fit perfectly into any handbag and are therefore also ideal for spontaneous purchases. The initially somewhat stiff material becomes beautifully supple after a few washes at a maximum of 30°C. The bag is completely odorless and does not release any substances into the environment.

The nets are made from recycled PET bottles. Included are 2 pieces each (27 x 35 cm). They are currently only available in combination with juice products.

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