Fighting child poverty together with I DO Saft: "A warm meal for children"

Eine warme Mahlzeit für Kinder

Fighting child poverty together with I DO juice: “A warm meal for children”

I·DO is once again supporting the organic supermarket chain basic in the “ Children for a Better World ” campaign. The children's aid organization based in Munich has set itself the goal of strengthening children and young people in their potential development. Child poverty is also one of the biggest social challenges in Germany. Currently 2.7 million children in Germany are growing up in poverty. That's almost every fifth child. These children and young people are affected by the risks of inadequate or incorrect nutrition. The negative consequences affect all areas of life. For this reason, the “A warm meal for children” campaign was launched. From September 9th to October 6th, 2021, specially marked promotional products will be available to buy again in all basic organic supermarkets. This also includes our I·DO juices. Together we can support children in poverty.

Shared vision

“A world in which all children and young people, regardless of their background, develop their strengths, contribute their enthusiasm and help shape a society worth living in.”

In order to get one step closer to this vision, the annual campaign month takes place, during which you can support the CHILDREN lunch menu with labeled promotional products in all basic organic supermarkets in Germany. And all of this at no extra charge for you! Because we at I·DO waive part of the purchase price - this part then goes to children in need in the form of lunch when you purchase our labeled I·DO juices. Healthy meals are regularly provided in 72 locations across Germany. The children are not just given a meal, but they are also involved in a playful and active way. For example, the children take part in shopping and cooking and ultimately enjoy the meal together. The background idea is, on the one hand, to teach children to eat healthily and, on the other hand, to strengthen their self-confidence through success experiences and to give them the opportunity to develop basic everyday skills.

Helping is child's play

You too can join in! On your next visit to the basic organic supermarket, buy promotional products and strengthen poor children with a healthy meal. Basic AG has been able to raise more than 2 million euros for poor children through campaigns like this since 2004 - this corresponds to around one million warm, healthy meals. You will find the products marked with the following logo:

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