Keep New Year's resolutions and win #idochallenge

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Keeping New Year's resolutions

Now at the turn of the year, they are once again on everyone's lips: New Year's resolutions. We at I·DO want to tackle the topic of New Year's resolutions in a slightly different way. Because anyone who has ever made a resolution for the new year has certainly noticed that long-term and sustainable change is not that easy. All too often we lose motivation, fall back into old patterns and fail with our well-intentioned plans.

Our I·DO Challenge for you

This is exactly why we want to support you in stepping into your power and achieving real change and transformation. After all, we all want a healthy and balanced lifestyle.

That's why we've come up with something very special to support you. It's our I·DO Challenge. You can find it on Instagram at the following link:

Join the I·DO Challenge:

  • Define resolutions and comment on Instagram

  • Tag Motivationsbuddy in the comment

  • Take a creative photo or video of yourself successfully implementing your resolutions and tag it with #idochallenge and

Among all participants, we will raffle off 3 individual transformation coaching sessions from experts in the following areas:

  • Nutrition
  • Sports / Personal Training
  • yoga
  • personality development

The challenge runs until mid-February and the prizes will be raffled off among everyone who has uploaded at least one photo or video with suitable content and the hashtag #idochallenge and the usertag .