A little sugar, but only the right kind!

Pour Some Sugar On Me - I·DO

“Pour Some Sugar on Me” – an 80s classic, but not quite what I’m asking you to do. 😅 But speaking of sugar, let’s talk about the sweet truth – with all its good and bad sides.

Natural Sugar vs. Added Sugar

As a child, I didn't get colorful fruit gums or sugary snacks - instead, I had dark bread and fruit in my lunchbox. Thanks, Mom! If only she had given me cold-pressed juice back then too... because hey, kids love cold-pressed juice too!

But back to the topic: There is a huge difference between naturally occurring sugar from fruits and vegetables and added sugar .

Why natural sugar is not a problem

Fruit and vegetables are full of fiber, water and important micronutrients. The natural sugar they contain is an important source of energy for the body and is part of a healthy diet.

The situation is completely different with added sugar - it is not good for the body. If you want to live a healthier life or lose weight, you should avoid processed foods with added sugar .

The Real Sugar Culprits

The worst offender? Table sugar – it is hidden in countless foods. But the problem is not the sugar in an apple, but the sugar in highly processed products.

I·DO Bio: 100% natural, 0% added sugar

At I·DO Bio we do not add sugar to our juices – not even unrefined sugar. Fruit and vegetables contain enough natural sweetness, which is a healthy source of energy .

If you drink freshly squeezed fruit or carrot juice, you are consuming sugar - but it is surrounded by fiber, vitamins and minerals. This means that your body can process it slowly and in a controlled manner without your blood sugar going crazy.

The Difference Between Good and Bad Sugar

Why refined sugar is pure poison

Processed sugar is harmful to the body - I see it as a slow-acting poison. There is no comparison between the natural sugar from fruit and vegetables and the isolated sugar in soft drinks or sweets.

Those who change their diet to include more raw juices and fewer processed foods will feel significantly better and improve their overall body chemistry.

Myth: Fructose is bad for you

If someone tells you that fructose raises blood sugar levels to an unhealthy level, you can answer with confidence: Yes, it rises – but the body regulates it again quickly. Our bodies are incredibly adaptable!

Everyone reacts differently to sugar. But if you have problems with blood sugar fluctuations, you will feel much worse after consuming processed sugars than after drinking fresh fruit juice.

Green juice for more balance

A trick to keep the balance: drink more green juices! If you combine fruity juices with green juices, you will feel more energetic and balanced .

A little tip: dilute fruit juices with water in a ratio of 1:1 – this helps the body get used to a nutrient-rich diet.

The real shock: sugar in soft drinks

Cola & Co.: A catastrophe for your body

Did you know that cola can dissolve a mussel if left in it for a few days? 😱 Imagine what it does to your body!

After drinking one can of Coke , you would have to drink 80 glasses of water to balance the acid in your body. Soft drinks promote inflammation , and inflammation is the main cause of many diseases .

Fruit juice instead of cola – the better choice

Fruit juices also contain sugar – but their vitamins and minerals make them alkaline and help the body stay in balance. Simple science, folks!

Conclusion: Away with the sugar, bring on the juices!

Skip the processed foods , put down the soda and instead reach for water and fresh fruit and vegetable juices . Your body will thank you - we promise!

Stay healthy and enjoy your juices!

– Alex 💚