Five quick questions for: Model Pauline Schüller

Model Pauline Schüller - Bio Saft
A balanced and active lifestyle as well as an awareness of healthy nutrition - this is what connects the members of the I·DO partner program . Pauline Schüller from Munich is a model and part of our community. We chatted about her very personal lifestyle and asked her a few quick questions.

1. How do you start your morning?

I'm usually an early bird because I love using the morning hours productively. In general, every day starts with a cup of coffee and then it's off to exercise. ?

2. What's your feel-good routine?

I feel best after an intensive sports session - preferably with friends - and then a long brunch with good conversations.

3. What are you dreaming of?

Phew, there's a lot, let's see what time brings :-)

4. What sin do you indulge in from time to time?

Pickups ❤️

5. Which I·DO juice should you never be without in your fridge?

Fireball Boost ??!!!!

You want to know more about Pauline Schüller ? Then hop over to Instagram where she takes you on shoots, hikes and her travels.

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