Recipe: Lentil Avocado Salad with Boost & Protect

Rezept: Linsen Avocado Salat mit Boost & Protect

Recipe: Lentil Avocado Salad with Boost & Protect Dressing

Our organic ginger shots are not only your perfect companion in the morning or in between, but are also ideal for refining salad dressings. For example, our Boost & Protect is perfect for spicing up boring salad dressings and thus providing more variety in the kitchen. The fruity-spicy note gives every salad that certain something and makes it even easier to integrate vegetables into your diet.


Recipe for 1 person. For 2 people simply use twice the amount.

  1. 50g dry brown lentils or half a can of brown lentils

  2. 125g tomatoes

  3. 100g cucumber

  4. 1/4 avocado

  5. 1/2-1 whole block of tofu

  6. spring onions

  7. Spices: salt, pepper, paprika, spice mix of your choice (used here: Bowl Topping from Just Spices) and beetroot if necessary

Preparation :

  1. Boil 50g brown lentils for about 10 minutes until al dente.

  2. Wash the avocado, tomatoes and cucumber and cut into quarters. Clean the spring onions and cut into fine rings. Cut the tofu into small cubes.

  3. Put everything in a large salad bowl

  4. Mix the cooked and cooled lentils with the vegetables.

  5. You have two options for the Boost & Protect Salad Dressing:

    1. Just give half a shot of Boost & Protect

    2. Mix half a Shot Boost & Protect, 1 tbsp olive oil, some balsamic dressing + spices of your choice

  6. Now pour the dressing over the lentil avocado salad. Let the whole thing infuse well – and enjoy! Bon appetit!

Refreshing lentil avocado salad with Boost & Protect

The Boost & Protect Salad Dressing makes every salad unique and makes your creation even richer and tastier.

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