Five quick questions for: Yoga Instructor & Djane Lyla

Yogalehrerin & Djane Lyla - Gesunde Ernährung

Five quick questions for: Yoga Instructor & Djane Lyla

A balanced and active lifestyle as well as an awareness of healthy nutrition - that connects the I·DO Family. Ly (LYLA) is an artist and yoga teacher in Munich, born and raised in the USA. Ly embodies an active yet balanced lifestyle, which she also embodies at her own events. The next exciting event is always coming up, and with a bit of luck there will also be an I·DO juice to strengthen you in addition to yoga and dance. We spoke to her to get a little more insight into her life.

How do you start your morning?

My alarm clock (I don't believe in snoozing!), some uplifting or good music to wake up to, and a tall glass of water with lemon while I wash my face and brush my teeth. I water my plants while drinking my espresso or coffee and then have breakfast.

What's your feel-good routine?

I want to make sure I'm never in too much of a rush and have enough time to relax and unwind when I need to. In the evenings I like to take a long bath with relaxing music, candles and essential oils, followed by some moisturizing products and a face mask. Then I'm ready for anything!

what are you dreaming about

Of my family and friends living the best life possible.

What sin do you indulge in now and then?

A glass of wine (or two!) after the yoga class.

Which I·DO juice should you never be without in your fridge?

I love the ginger shots ! They taste delicious and refreshing, and they're perfect for when you're on the go.

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