Juice Cleanse: A juicy break for the body

The year is almost over and has left its mark. Tired, weak and irritable, we drag ourselves through everyday life. Our bodies are crying out for a break! Is juice cleansing the solution? Our friends at Greenality have looked into the topic in detail.
It is not the best time for the pre-Christmas period and gluttony: our trousers are tight, our bags under our eyes are hanging lazily and in the morning we see a tired face in the mirror that only vaguely resembles our own.
Stress in everyday life and unhealthy food that is hastily shoved between the gills have left their mark on our bodies. Time to give it a break - but how? A week's vacation in a monastery? Laughter yoga? Both are possible. But there is another option: juice cleansing.

Juice Cleansing: Fasting Reloaded

The hip English word that the detox trend brought to us from the USA hides something familiar. Juice cleanse or cleansing is very similar to therapeutic fasting. During a juice cleanse lasting several days, the body is supposed to detoxify and rid itself of unnecessary ballast.

According to the detox theory, we constantly absorb toxins from the environment, which then accumulate in our cells. To flush the toxins out of the body... The entire article is available at the Greenality Movement (external link)

About Greenality

Fair | Organic | Attitude

Greenality Movement is the magazine for a sustainable lifestyle from the Stuttgart-based organic fashion brand Greenality . It publishes daily tips on DIY (do-it-yourself), self-improvement and inspiring articles about global trends in sustainable living.

Antidote Cleanse juice cleanse

Do something good for your body. Detox.

From 3 to 14 days, 6 juices a day. Real juice fasting from Antidote.