Well-being begins with intestinal health
When we deal with the topic of health, we cannot ignore the topic of intestinal health. Our intestines are the center of our defense. Around 80% of the cells of our immune system are located in them. It quickly becomes clear that our intestinal health is crucial for our well-being. And don't we all want to feel well? But what exactly do we mean by that and how can we positively influence our well-being? Well-being means good physical and mental well-being. Various influencing factors play a role here.
But what does all this have to do with the intestines?
First of all, some very basic information about our intestines. Our intestines are the largest internal organ and can grow up to eight meters long. This snake-like organ is extremely complex and much has not yet been (fully) researched, but more and more insightful findings are being made. In recent years, nutritional research in particular has increasingly focused on the intestines, or more specifically on the microorganisms that are present in the intestines. Researchers have found that these microorganisms have an immense influence on our general health.
Health begins in the gut
On a physical level, the intestines do an impressive job. In addition to their main task, digestive function, the intestines are responsible for providing nutrients and vitamins, providing energy, detoxification and immune defense. But many other processes, such as the formation of enzymes and hormones, also take place in our intestines. Conversely, our intestines are also involved in countless diseases: from obvious gastrointestinal diseases to cardiovascular diseases and even asthma. So far so good, but very few people know that our intestinal health also influences our mental well-being and our mood.
The intestine, the "second brain"
The millions of bacteria in our intestines not only affect our physical well-being, but also our mental well-being. It is not for nothing that the intestine is also called the "second brain" or "gut brain", because it has its own nervous system, the so-called enteric nervous system , which is similar in structure and complexity to our brain. This gut brain is in constant communication with our head brain. We are talking about the so-called gut-brain axis, i.e. the neural connection between the intestine and the brain. Sayings such as "butterflies in my stomach" or "something is upsetting my stomach" refer to this connection and illustrate how much our brain influences the intestines.
The gut controls the brain
But the signals don't just go from the brain to the stomach, our intestines also send signals to the brain. So there is a mutual exchange and our intestinal bacteria also influence emotions and well-being. And to a huge extent! Today it is clear that an incredible 90% of communication comes from the intestines and only 10% of the signals are controlled by our brain.
Stress management for a healthy exchange
In order to enable communication to run as smoothly as possible, it is important to support our intestines. One starting point is stress management. Both physical and psychological stress activate the sympathetic nervous system, the primary stress hormone cortisol is released and ultimately digestion and communication with our brain are weakened.
Supporting intestinal flora with fermented foods
It is at least as important to actively support our intestinal flora. This can be positively influenced by a healthy and balanced diet, or by taking a fermented preparation, for example. Fermented foods are preserved using certain bacteria, fungi or cell cultures. This fermentation process produces valuable bacterial strains, probiotics, which are good for intestinal health. The word probiotics is made up of the Latin pro (for) and the ancient Greek bios (life). Loosely translated, probiotics means something like "for life". Some of these bacterial strains are naturally found in foods such as natural yogurt, kefir, sauerkraut, miso, apple cider vinegar and kombucha. Anyone who wants to consciously build up their intestinal flora or support it in general can also use fermented preparations. It is important to note that our intestines need continuous support. Because as soon as the body lacks the essential bacteria for a few days, the intestinal flora regresses.
So let us remember:
Our intestines are much more than just the garbage disposal of the food we eat. The intestinal brain and the head brain are in constant, mutual exchange. A healthy intestinal flora is essential and can be built up and supported through a healthy diet and the additional consumption of fermented products.
The Power of Multiple Fermentation