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I DO Epsom Salt - 60g

Regular price
5,90 €
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Sale price
5,90 €
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0,10 €  per  g
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The Epsom salt we select, also known as magnesium sulfate, is of the highest food quality.

Application :

You need the Epsom salts for a one-time bowel movement the evening before fasting. The Epsom salts bind fluid and remove it from the intestines. This creates a thorough emptying, which is necessary for fasting without an appetite.

Bowel evacuation with Epsom salts in the evening - How does it work?

On the evening of the day of relief, empty your bowels with Epsom salts. Follow these instructions for a pleasant start to your fasting journey:

  1. Prepare 2l of tea and prepare lemon and honey
  2. Fill a hot water bottle with warm water and place it within reach
  3. Prepare and take Epsom salt solution:
    → Determine the right amount of Epsom salt for you: 1g Epsom salt per 1kg of weight, but a maximum of 60g! If you have a sensitive stomach, we recommend around 40g.
    → Dissolve Epsom salts in 250ml of hot water and top up with cold water until the solution has a pleasant, lukewarm drinking temperature (approx. 37 degrees).
    → Drink the solution quickly and then drink another glass of lukewarm, still water.
  4. Make yourself comfortable. Lie on your right side (the human body is quite asymmetrical internally) and place the hot water bottle under the right rib cage. Stay in this position as still as possible for the next 2 hours.
  5. Drink your fasting tea slowly. The Epsom salts cause your body to lose fluids, which you can replenish with the tea. Add a dash of lemon and a maximum of 2 tablespoons of honey to the tea so that you can sleep well. IMPORTANT: Drink the 2 liters of fasting tea within two hours of taking the Epsom salts.
  6. As soon as you feel the urge to go to the bathroom, do so and then simply lie down again. The colon cleansing process can take several hours.
  7. Two hours after taking the Epsom salts, you can get ready for bed and go to sleep. If you need to go to the bathroom during the night, follow the urge.
that includes this juice cleanse



Weight: 0.4kg
Size: 8 × 8 × 30cm

Free shipping from 125€ in Germany
I DO Epsom Salt - 60g


What is I·DO?

Our mission is to support you in a conscious and enjoyable lifestyle by offering you premium organic beverages made from fresh, raw, and cold-pressed fruits, vegetables, and spices. As a specialized juice manufacturer based in Munich, we have focused on unique raw juice creations since our founding in 2014.

» More about the company

What makes I·DO special?

I·DO organic juices and ginger shots are ultra-fresh, 100% organic and never heated. The fruit and vegetables in the premium raw food products are freshly harvested and pressed every week. Most of the ingredients are grown exclusively for us in controlled organic quality. Whenever possible, we work with local farmers and cooperatives in the immediate vicinity of our production facility in Spain. Short distances and small batches ensure excellent product quality and the smallest possible ecological footprint.

» More about raw food quality

How is it delivered?

Always fresh and chilled in a cooling package. Your package will usually be with you within two to four working days.

» Shipping information

How much is the shipping?

The shipping and packaging costs depend on the package weight and delivery location. There is a practical shipping cost calculator in the shopping cart.

» Shipping information

How long do I·DO organic juices keep?

The I·DO organic juices are preserved using the HPP process. The products usually have a shelf life of several weeks - but at least 10 days - when they leave the warehouse.

» To the FAQ

Where can I return the deposit?

The bottles made from recycled PET are part of the deposit system. You can return them with other deposit products in any supermarket or point of sale throughout Germany.

» deposit system