Imagine intermittent fasting and your morning routine going hand in hand, as the perfect power duo for an energized start to the day! Yes, it is possible - you just have to find what suits you. It is important to understand that there is no one-size-fits-all morning routine that works equally well for everyone. Instead, you can think of a morning routine as a menu where you can choose what is best for your life, your health, your goals and your desires every day. To achieve this, you need to be convinced of the benefits of a morning routine and know the essential tools. That is exactly what we want to offer you here. Learn more about intermittent fasting and how it can become part of your optimal morning routine.
What is a morning routine?
Maybe you've seen YouTube videos like "4am Morning Routine" or "The 1 Billion Dollar Morning Routine" . These are of course extreme examples where convinced followers get up early and work through a long list of tasks. But you don't have to be that extreme. A morning routine basically comprises a series of habits that you practice when you wake up. These routines help you to start your day correctly and consciously, to feel good and at the same time to be more productive and focused. It can be enough to stick to a set wake-up time, read something, exercise or take time for a balanced breakfast. Ultimately, it's about learning how to structure your everyday life with more serenity and well-being. What if you combined this morning routine with intermittent fasting? Find out how intermittent fasting can be part of an effective morning routine and what benefits it brings to your health and well-being.
The Benefits of an Intermittent Fasting Morning Routine for a Healthier Life
Why should I incorporate a morning routine into my day? Why should I get up earlier to make time for a morning routine? These are legitimate questions that might be going through your head. The answer is: There are a number of reasons. But it's more about self-experience, trying out different routines to feel which feel-good morning routine is really good for you personally.
Some benefits of a morning routine could be:
- You prepare for the rest of the day: How you spend your morning will significantly influence your day.
- You start your day more relaxed and balanced and are more resilient to the challenges of everyday life ahead.
- You set your priorities and feel productive first thing in the morning.
- You prove to yourself that you are in control of your life and you are proud that you are able to incorporate a healthy routine into your life.
By incorporating intermittent fasting into your morning routine, you can gain additional benefits:
5. Weight management: Intermittent fasting can help you control your weight and lose excess fat.
6. Improved metabolism: By interrupting food intake for certain periods of time, intermittent fasting can optimize metabolism.
7. Increased energy and mental clarity: Intermittent fasting can lead to improved energy levels and increased mental clarity as it can put the body into a state of fat burning and ketosis.
8. Support the immune system: Intermittent fasting can strengthen the immune system and reduce inflammation in the body.
How do I integrate intermittent fasting into my morning routine?
Before you take a look at the seemingly endless selection of possible morning routines, take a moment to think about yourself and your personality type. As with everything in life, it is important to understand that there is no "one-size-fits-all" approach. Pay attention to your body's signs, it always lets us know how we feel and what we need. If you want to incorporate intermittent fasting into your morning routine, here are the tips for a successful implementation:
- Early fasting window: Start your morning routine by delaying your breakfast by a few hours. For example, you could eat breakfast at 10am instead of right after you wake up. This will allow you to transition into fasting mode and reap the benefits of intermittent fasting.
- Bulletproof Coffee: If you find it difficult to completely avoid food in the morning, you can incorporate Bulletproof Coffee into your morning routine. This is a combination of coffee, high-quality fats such as coconut oil or butter, and optional additives such as collagen or spices. This blend will provide you with energy while still remaining in fasting mode.
- Light exercise: Add a gentle movement session to your morning routine. A walk, yoga, or light stretching can help boost your metabolism and prepare your body for the day while you remain in a fasted state.
- Water and tea: Drink plenty of water and unsweetened tea during your morning routine. This will not only help hydrate your body but will also reduce your hunger pangs, making it easier to get through the fasting period.
Remember, it's important to listen to your body and find out what works best for you. Experiment with different approaches and see how your body responds.
What are the other best tools to start the day well?
There are countless ways you can create your feel-good morning routine. We want to offer you a small selection for inspiration:
Make your bed :
Do you see making your bed as a chore or do you just leave it alone? Maybe it's time for a change of perspective. It's a one-minute task and can give you a feeling of productivity and order first thing in the morning. Within a very short time, you've done something useful and can look forward to a tidy bed in the evening.
Drink :
It is best to drink a large glass of lukewarm water first thing in the morning. After all, you have not drunk anything for the last 8 hours, during which your body has continued to lose fluids. Drinking on an empty stomach in the morning helps the body to eliminate toxins from the night and stimulate the metabolism. If you find this difficult, put a glass of water on the table in the evening as a reminder. Afterwards, you can always enjoy a coffee or strengthen yourself with some cold-pressed celery juice.
Movement :
Maybe you catch yourself thinking that you're just not a morning person, and certainly not a morning exerciser. But maybe that's a misconception. You don't have to run a half marathon in the morning, but a little stretching and exercise in the morning is certainly good for you. Whether it's 30 minutes of yoga or a short 5-minute stretching routine. This will get your cardiovascular system going and support your mental health at the same time.
Journal :
When you think about writing in the morning, you think to yourself, "I'm not a journalist?" - and rightly so. Nevertheless, it could be a good exercise to sort out your thoughts, reflect, or simply let your creativity run free. You can either use blank pages in a notebook to document your thoughts, or you can work with pre-made journal pages and questions that give you more structure and clarity.
Cold shower:
The cold shower in the morning has become a real trend in recent years. People from all over the world have integrated a cold shower into their morning routine and report benefits such as increased willpower, better immune defenses, weight loss and reduced stress levels. It is a big challenge, especially at the beginning, but if you have the courage and discipline to stick with this routine, you will be rewarded.
Write a to-do list:
For some people, the morning is sacred, and you may be one of them, not wanting to think about the day's obligations yet. But it can also be the perfect time to do some strategic preparation and plan your day. This way, you can consciously choose where you want to focus your energy and time, rather than just jumping into it.
Breakfast :
A balanced breakfast in the morning, shortly after getting up, is important to stimulate your metabolism. A higher metabolism means that you can burn more calories throughout the day. This way, you will feel full of energy in the morning and provide yourself with essential macro and micro nutrients . But this is just a recommendation. It may also be that you don't feel hungry at all in the morning and naturally tend towards intermittent fasting. Just try out what feels better for you.
Our mission – in search of balance
Start now – the right time for intermittent fasting is always now. Not yesterday and not tomorrow.
Once you've figured out what you'd like to try, just start. Tomorrow morning, a new morning, a new day, and a new opportunity awaits you. Try different tools and you'll see: you'll be happier, more energetic, and more productive. Once you've found the tools that work for you, you can play around with the order and find out what works best for you. Use this moment to incorporate intermittent fasting into your morning routine and make positive changes in your life.