Diet for the soul: this is how fasting cures according to Buchinger succeed

Heilfasten nach Buchinger

Diet for the soul: this is how fasting cures according to Buchinger succeed

Our new Body & Mind fasting cure is based on the original method of Dr. Otto Buchinger I. - a German doctor who is considered the founder of therapeutic fasting. But what exactly is the method all about, how does Buchinger's therapeutic fasting work and what makes the cure so special? We clarify all important questions.

Otto Buchinger - doctor and pioneer of therapeutic fasting

The young Otto Buchinger I followed as the son of a civil servant. initially his father's wish to study law. However, his passion for medicine soon led him to his true calling. So he changed his field of study and did his doctorate at the University of Gießen. He then worked as a military doctor in the Imperial Navy. 

But as is the case in life, everything suddenly turned out differently for Buchinger – severe tonsillitis and the health consequences of it cost him his job. He suffered from severe rheumatism in the joints, which could not be treated with the treatments known at the time. 

After two years, Buchinger decided to give up the tried and tested methods and look for answers outside of conventional medicine. So he ended up with a doctor friend of his and completed a 3-week fasting cure under his supervision. And lo and behold: forgoing solid food and consciously dealing with one's own body led to an alleviation of his symptoms - and thus to the birth of Buchinger fasting .

Driven by his own success, Otto Buchinger I studied everything there was to know about therapeutic fasting and opened his own clinic in 1920 in order to pass on his knowledge to others. By linking mental and physical health, he created a holistic approach that is still practiced today – including in the fourth generation at the Buchinger Clinic .

What distinguishes Buchinger fasting?

Fasting according to Buchinger encompasses much more than simply abstaining from solid food. Because it not only focuses on the body, but also on the mind and soul, which should come to rest during the fasting cure. Buchinger therefore also referred to therapeutic fasting as a “diet for the soul”. The aim of Buchinger fasting is to trigger the body's own self-cleansing processes and thus activate the healing powers. 

Otto Buchinger I used this method to treat numerous health problems such as diabetes, cardiovascular diseases and gout. Therapeutic fasting is still a popular tool today to pause and cleanse body, mind and soul.

How does Buchinger Fasting work?

In contrast to total fasting, Buchinger fasting consumes around 200 to 300 calories a day through vegetable broth, freshly squeezed juices and tea. Solid food is avoided entirely. The cure is therefore also referred to as a low-calorie drinking diet. The fasting period is traditionally between two and four weeks. Basically, Buchinger fasting is divided into three phases , which are also part of our Body & Mind fasting cure:

1. Preparation

During the relief days, the body is prepared for therapeutic fasting. Eating a light diet reduces the calorie intake, which gradually changes the metabolism. At I·DO we rely on four matching juices in raw food quality for one day. Finally, the stomach is completely emptied, which, according to Buchinger's method, is traditionally initiated with Glauber's salt. 

2. Fasting phase

From now on, only water, tea, organic vegetable broth and fresh juices will be drunk every day. The digestive tract comes to rest, the body changes its metabolism and begins ketosis , in which the fat reserves are used for energy production. In order to relieve the burden on the intestines, bowel movements are carried out regularly during longer fasting cures.

It was important to Otto Buchinger to also pay attention to the psyche during the fasting phase . Exercise in the fresh air, self-care units and mindful workouts such as yoga are expressly encouraged with Buchinger fasting. On the one hand, physical activity helps to clear your head and, on the other hand, it prevents the body from tapping into too much protein from the muscles. 

In order to support the mental aspect of the cure, our Body & Mind fasting package is equipped with beneficial extras, such as alkaline bath salts, a dry brush and a Redondo Ball.

Tip: In the first few days of the fasting cure, there may be slight side effects such as headaches and dizziness. These usually subside quickly - and a fasting high occurs!

3. Breaking the fast

Otto Buchinger I. celebrated the end of the fast - the so-called breaking of the fast - in his clinic by handing over an apple. In the following build-up days , the body gradually gets used to solid food again. He should gradually be given more calories again: on the first day around 800 kcal, on the second around 1,000 kcal, then 1,200 kcal and on the fourth day around 1,600 kcal. The body gradually begins to regain energy from the carbohydrates provided and ends ketosis.

By the way: Easily digestible raw food is the best choice for breaking a fast, which is why we once again rely on the energy boost from fresh juices for our Body & Mind fasting cure.

What does the therapeutic fasting cure according to Buchinger bring?

Buchinger himself was convinced that numerous health problems could be alleviated by his fasting method. Physical ailments such as obesity, high blood pressure and migraines as well as mental illnesses are still treated according to his example today. 

According to the German Society for Nutrition (DGE), there are scientifically proven effects of therapeutic fasting for certain complaints, for example for the metabolic syndrome, chronic inflammation or psychosomatic diseases. Overall, however, the data on the effectiveness is quite manageable, which is why the success of fasting cannot be guaranteed and always depends on the individual case. 

As an introduction to a conscious lifestyle, Buchinger fasting is always advisable for healthy people. Because through the conscious renunciation and the careful handling of body and mind, self-awareness and awareness of one's own (eating) behavior are trained. The therapeutic fasting cure acts as an energetic restart.

Who is Buchinger fasting suitable for?

The traditional therapeutic fasting according to Buchinger is used both for health prevention and for the treatment of certain diseases. The fasting cure is usually accompanied by a doctor or carried out in a fasting clinic. This ensures that the method meets the needs of the patient and is carried out correctly. So if you want to combat health problems with a fasting cure, you should definitely clarify this with an expert.

In order to bring body, mind and soul into balance, healthy people can also start a fasting cure on their own. But here, too, solid food should not simply be dispensed with overnight. With the help of special fasting packages such as our Body & Mind cure, starting and maintaining fasting is made much easier. 

Therapeutic fasting according to Buchinger with the Body & Mind fasting package from I·DO

Based on Otto Buchinger's holistic approach, we want to take you by the hand during your therapeutic fasting cure. Our fasting box for at home contains all the important utensils - from delicious juices for the relief and build-up days to tools for your mental well-being. 

In our Body & Mind All-in-One fasting cure box you will find not only delicious fruit and vegetable juices such as celery juice , but also a delicious organic vegetable broth, fasting tea and essential oils to calm your mind. The enclosed fasting guide takes you step by step through the cure, so that you can devote yourself fully to your health - very easily from home, even alongside work and family. 

Text: Janina Widhammer-Zintl

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