FAQ: The 12 most frequently asked questions about the juice cleanse

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How does a juice cleanse actually work and what should I pay attention to? Which juices are suitable and what side effects can occur? We have looked at the twelve most important questions about the topic of juice cleanse - and will answer your questions in this article.

1. What is a juice cleanse and what is it good for?

A juice cleanse is a modified form of therapeutic fasting: solid food is completely avoided for a few days. Instead, you consume around 800 calories a day in the form of fruit and vegetable juices. The reduced energy supply leads to the activation of so-called autophagy , the self-cleaning of the cells. This causes the body's own regeneration processes to kick in and eliminate toxins. 

A juice cleanse can be seen as a kind of reset for the body. This fresh start can help you end annoying eating habits, reduce stress or start a new phase of your life fresh. 

2. How does a juice cleanse work?

So much for the theory. But how exactly does a juice cleanse work? The treatment begins with a few days of relief during which you physically and mentally prepare for fasting. Heavy food should be avoided, alcohol and coffee consumption should be stopped and the metabolism should be stimulated. This helps curb hunger and appetite in advance and makes it easier to stick to the juice diet.

During the fasting phase you consume two liters of juice every day: With a juice treatment from I·DO you pamper your body with a mixture of fruit and vegetable juices in raw food quality. It contains numerous vitamin boosters that also taste delicious. We recommend enjoying a juice every two hours. Drink plenty of water and unsweetened tea in between.

After the juice cleanse, the body has to get used to solid food again. Therefore, the first few days should not include heavy, fatty recipes. Light foods such as salads and soups are better.

3. Which juices are suitable for a juice cleanse? 

Basically, there are two options for the juice cleanse at home: you can do the juice cleanse yourself and squeeze the drinks you need fresh every day using a juicer. Or you can opt for a ready-made treatment that already contains all the juices for the desired treatment duration. The latter option may involve slightly higher costs, but is significantly less effort. After all, the juices come to your home fully pressed and perfectly balanced. I·DO juice cleanse boxes contain a delicious mix of fruit and vegetables - all cold-pressed and in high-quality organic quality.

Basically, a juice cleanse should always consist of pure juices without additives and contain as balanced a mixture of fruits and vegetables as possible. This ensures that the body receives important nutrients despite the fasting phase. By the way, a juice cleanse with smoothies is not advisable, as the digestive tract has to do more work due to the plant fibers it contains - the longed-for break for the intestines is therefore less.

4. What can you eat on a juice cleanse?

While light meals are allowed on the preparation and follow-up days, solid food is completely avoided during the juice cleanse. Coffee and sugary drinks are also taboo. In addition to the juices, sufficient water intake is particularly important. For a bit of flavor and a special kick of freshness, we recommend homemade vitamin water , for example with cucumber and mint or ginger and lemon. To warm yourself up a bit, unsweetened tea or a cup of vegetable broth are suitable.

Tip: If you really don't feel hungry anymore or your circulation is weak, a teaspoon of honey can work wonders.

5. How long does a juice cleanse make sense?

We believe that a proper juice cleanse should last at least five days so that the positive effects of fasting can manifest themselves. Beginners can also easily start with a shorter fasting period . The 3-day treatment and the 5-day treatment are particularly popular. Experienced fasters are happy to abstain for up to two weeks. At I·DO you have the opportunity to set up a juice treatment according to your individual needs and goals: break away from everyday life for 3, 5 or 6 days.

6. How often can you do juice cleanses?

How often a juice cleanse can be done is a very individual decision. A common recommendation is once or twice a year , although more frequent juice fasting is also possible. In any case, there should be a break of around three months between individual treatments so that the body can regenerate and strengthen itself. If you are unsure, it is best to discuss the length and number of courses with a doctor. 

7. Who is a juice cleanse suitable for?

A juice cleanse is suitable for all adults who want to give their body and mind a break or want to change their diet. Anyone suffering from an illness such as metabolic diseases or chronic complaints should speak to a doctor before starting the fasting regimen. Pregnant and breastfeeding mothers should avoid fasting.

Soothing organic juice cleanses with raw vegetable juices

8. When should you do a juice cleanse - and when not? 

Basically, you can start a juice cleanse at any time and anywhere, as long as your body has sufficiently prepared for it. Many people start the Juice Cleanse to break bad eating habits or to improve overall well-being. For example at the turn of the year or as a break during your vacation. 

Since the body only receives a small amount of energy during the juice cleanse, you should choose a time when you can take enough time for yourself. Constantly running from one meeting to the next is counterproductive during a juice cleanse. It is also better to postpone the treatment if you have physical complaints or an illness.

9. Can you lose weight with a juice cleanse?

Juice fasting is not a diet in the sense of aiming for weight loss . Rather, it's about cleansing the body, boosting metabolism and increasing general well-being. Nevertheless, many fasting people lose weight during the food-free phase. This is mostly stored water, which is reduced by the detoxifying effect of the juice treatment. A juice cleanse should therefore be used less as a way to lose weight and more as a conscious introduction to a new, healthier diet. 

10. Can I exercise while on a juice cleanse?

Absolutely! Exercise is particularly good during the treatment as it stimulates the metabolism and releases happiness hormones. But you shouldn't overdo it. Yoga, Pilates and long walks are particularly suitable. It's better to save strenuous HIIT workouts for later.

11. What side effects can there be? 

The energy deficit can lead to slight side effects during longer juice cleanses. For example, the feeling of cold can be increased because the body has less energy available and there are no warming meals. Headaches, dizziness and malaise can, but do not necessarily, occur. Sometimes the change in diet is also reflected in a worsening of the skin's appearance. However, all of these side effects should not last longer than the actual treatment and should subside after a few days. If necessary, it is better to consult a doctor.

12. And what does science say about juice cleanses?

Similar to therapeutic fasting and intermittent fasting , the juice cleanse is also controversial from a scientific perspective. Frequently promised effects have not yet been proven, mainly because clinical human studies on this topic are lacking. In addition, the German Society for Nutrition affirms that the body is capable of cleaning itself even without assistance. Nevertheless, a cure can be an introduction to changing eating habits. 

Drinking freshly squeezed organic juices is definitely not unhealthy. We find that a multi-day juice cleanse is a welcome change and challenge that makes us rethink our eating habits and increases awareness of our bodies. In the end, of course, what counts is your mindset and your own juice cleanse experience .

Text: Janina Widhammer-Zintl